Chapter 39- What do I do?

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Katherine's p.o.v

I know what I have to do, and I know what I want to do to make me happy

I'm quitting university and moving out of this apartment.

I need to, that's really the only solution I'm not happy here and I dread going to school right now is just the wrong time I usually don't quit but I need my self to be happy

When I was with Justin for that week I was happy, being with him that's what makes me happy going to school and being in the same room as my ex for hours that's not me being happy

I'll go back when the time is right but that time is not right now, my parents will be disappointed but this is my life and I'm going to live it how I want

Tucking my feet under myself I sat on the couch curling my self up in a blanket with marble

Pulling my phone out I emailed me. Copper saying


Today's class will have been my last day in your class, I will be informing the head office about my drop out thanks for being such a great teacher for the time I had with you


Sighing I hit send not regretting my choice I tucked my phone away into my pocket

'Kat?' Justin said 'yeah?' I replied 'what's wrong?' He asked

'Sit with me?' I asked nodding his head he sat down pulling me onto his lap

'Talk to me, what's wrong' Justin asked rubbing my arm

'I just emailed my teacher' I sighed 'about?' He asked looking confused 'telling him today was my last day in his class' I said

'What do you mean today was your last day?' He questioned 'I can't do it Justin I'm not happy when I go to school and I'm not happy coming home I can never get away from Cody i can't do it' I said

'So your going to let Cody ruin your life? Katherine you can't quit because of him' he said

'Its not just because of him Justin, right now just doesn't feel like the right time in my life to be at school' I mumbled

'And this will make you happy?' He asked 'yes' I said 'quitting your dream is going to make you happy?' He asked

'Im not quitting my dream, I'm postponing it' I said looking up at him

'If I would have postponed my dream Kat, I wouldn't be where I am today I don't want you postponing yours do you want Cody and Alec to see that they won? And got you too quit or do you want to show them your better than they are' Justin said

I really didn't know what to say, I mean he has a point but I just don't want to keep going to that school and spending hours with them sitting there awkwardly while they both stare at me and just make things uncomfortable

'With you not saying anything I'm going to take it as you know I'm right' Justin said

'Maybe your a little right but Justin, I just don't want to do it anymore' I sighed

'Don't want to do it? Katherine thats such bull shit! You were so excited in September how can that change in 3 months?' He asked

'Justin just stop. If this Is what I want just let me be' I said climbing off his lap walking off to my room

'Katherine get back over here' Justin said 'no' I said stubbornly

Pulling out my phone, I already had a email back from me.copper saying

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