Chapter 16- Happy Birthday Jen

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We've been on tour for three weeks now and every show Justin has done, he has done completely amazing we are now in Cleveland for his show tonight, and he's off tomorrow and tomorrow is Jenny's 19th birthday! We leave Cleveland tonight and drive to buffalo for Jen's birthday, We are throwing her a surprise birthday party in the hotel, she thinks it's just the 5 of us celebrating but we have the hole crew and her, parents and my parents are flying out along with Pattie so I'm excited! 

'Babe is my hair ok?' Justin asked me I just laughed at him 'what?' He asked seriously 'yes your hair is fine' I said 

'Ready for you to kill this show?' I asked 'always' he smiled bringing my face up to his as attaching our lips 

'Justin time to get strapped up' scooter shouted 'coming' Justin said back taking my hand and walking over to the wings 

Justin was all strapped up, and it's something about him being in those wings he looks damn hot. 

'Good luck kiss?' Justin asked pushing his lips out 'you don't need good luck you will do great, but okay' I said pecking his lips 'love you' he smiled 'I love you too' I said 

And with that the countdown was over and all you could hear was the screams of thousands of girls 


Justin did amazing tonight of course, we are just on the bus now, Jen and i are about to watch a movie while the guys play video games 

'What movie should we watch?' Jen asked me 'umm what movies are there?' I asked 'the question you should be asking is what movies aren't there' she laughed 

'True, ohh is there bridesmaids?' I asked 'yes! Ok we are watching that one' she said 

'Got the food?' She asked me 'well duh' I laughed


*next day*

So I'm pretending I'm not feeling well today, and I just want to stay in so I'm good for dinner, Justin is going to stay with me to make sure I'm okay. Chaz and Ryan are going to take Jenny out shopping, so she has something new to wear tonight.

'Are you sure you don't want us to just stay with you, I want to spend my birthday with you' Jen said 

'Its okay go! Ill be fine for dinner' I smiled 'okay, feel better' Jen said 'I will happy birthday' I smiled 'thanks' she said giving me a hug and walking out with Chaz and Ryan 

'Ok we have a lot to do today lets get started' I said patting Justin's leg 'Kenny just went to the air port to get our parents' Justin smiled 

'Okay, we need to head down to the party room and set up.' I said 'why couldn't we just hire someone?' Justin wined 'what's the fun in that come on' I said 


Almost done decorating now, are parents are here and helping out we have another hour and a half before Jenny gets back and everyone's coming in an hour. I still need to get ready, shit.

'Justin can you pass me that last ballon there please' I asked 'sure' he handed it to me I quickly put it in place and hopped of the chair 

'Done!' I said in excitement 'everything looks great!' Jenny's mom said 'thanks' I smiled 

'Okay Justin and I have to go get ready, can you guys please sign for the cake when it gets here and than get them to put it in the big fridge they have in the kitchen' I asked 'yes sweetie go we have have the rest under control' my mom said 'thank you' I said intertwining mine and Justin's hands walking to our hotel room

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