Chapter 40- All Mine

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katherines p.o.v

fluttering my eyes I streched out my arms the brightness of the room burning my eyes, my head was pounding and I feel like shit, I've barley slept because I've been in the bathroom being sick, lets just say I got completly smashed last night and well im paying the price

from what I remember it was a goodnight tho, we all just let lose and had a good time Justin didn't get to drunk but he was still pretty damn hilarious

rolling over so I was facing Justin he was fast asleep, his lips slightly parted quitely snoring. Proping my self up on my arm on my side I just took a moment to stare at him, all that perfection laying beside me is mine

watching him for a few moments his eyes started fluttering open

'babe? stop staring its creepy' he mumbled in his raspy morning voice 'its not creepy' I laughed 'yes it is' he laughed 'your ruining the moment' I giggled 'oh I'm sorry am I?' he said 'mhm' i mumbled

without saying anything else justin grabbing my waist and rolled me on top of him, and pressed his lips on mine

moments latter I pulled away 'now was that ruining the moment still or?' Justin said 'nope moment made' I laughed rolling off of him

'so how you feeling?' he asked me 'um bit of a head ache but and I still feel like im going to be sick any moment, but other than that I'm great' I laughed 'do you remember anything?' he laughed

'kind of.. its a blur but I still remember some things' I said 'why do you remember everything?' I asked 'yup, I didnt get completly drunk like you did I just got tipsy so everything is clear as day' he said

'no hang over?' I asked 'nopee, I feel perfectly fine why do you think I was able to take care of you and hold your hair while you were puking' he said poking my nose 'I dont remember that.. and um thanks now I just feel bad at the fact you held my hair and watched me puke' I sighed

'You dont remember because you blacked out' he laughed 'and do not apologize if I didnt want to help you I wouldnt have but guess what? your my girlfriend and I love you so I'm going to be there for you while your getting sick' he smiled wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me closer

'I love you' I smiled 'and I love you' he said

'we still heading into stratford?' I asked 'if thats ok' he said 'well obviously its ok, I'll go shower and we can head out' I smiled

'I'll make you some food, so you have something in your system' Justin said 'ok, thank you' I gave him a warm smile

Throwing the blankets off my body I jumped out of bed

'Excuse me?' Justin said 'what?' I asked 'kiss' was all he said

Walking back over to the bed I bent down and gave him a kiss on the lips

'Hmm I love you' he said 'I love you too' I smiled walking out of the room and too the bathroom

Opening the door to the bathroom I walked in turning on the light, I walked to the mirror and brushed out my very tangled hair and than pealed away my clothes stepping into the shower, turning the hot water on I let it bead down my body

grabbing the shampoo and messageing it into my scalp I than grabbed my razor and quickly shaved my legs, rincing out my hair I just stood in the warm water for a while longer the warm watter beading down on my body felt amazing and was making me feel a lot better

after about another 5 minutes of standing there I turned the water off stepping out of the shower and wrapping the towel around my body drying my self off I than just grabbed my robe and slipped that on until I was ready to get dressed, brushing the nots out of my hair I unlocked the bathroom door walking to the kitchen

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