Chapter 60- Maybe you'll be next?

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*Justin's p.o.v*

Waking up to the sound of my phone ringing which is weird because I'm usually waking up to the sounds of Jason or Bella crying

Katherine was cuddled up into my bare chest I really didn't want to move her, what time is it anyway? And why aren't the twins up?

Gently moving Katherine I reached over to the night table grabbing my phone Ryan's name flashed across the screen

'Hello?' I said 'ayeeee bro! What's uppp?' Ryan said slurring his speech clearly drunk 'Ryan where are you?' I asked 'out side your house bro!' He said 'what do you mean outside my house?' I asked

And moments latter I started to hear knocking on the door 'can you let me in? It's pretty fucking cold out here' he said 'give me a minute' I said hanging up the phone

Looking at the time as I hung up the phone it's 3 in the morning and Ryan is completely wasted and out side my house

Sighing I grabbed a pair of sweats sliding them on I ran down stairs, marble kept barking because Ryan kept banging on the damn door

'Shhh marble be quite!' I said opening the door stood a very confused looking Ryan with a bottle of alcohol in his hands

'Ryan it's three in the morning what are you doing here?' I asked as he walked in

'I wanted to see my two best friends!' He yelled 'you have to be quite the twins are sleeping and so is Katherine' I said calmly 'oh right the twins! Sorry man' he said stumbling as we walked to the kitchen

'Its fine' I said helping him sit as we reached the kitchen 'have you had anything to eat? And no more' I said grabbing the bottle from him

'Ryan?' I heard coming from the entrance of the kitchen 'ayeee you!' Ryan said jumping up from his seat and giving Katherine a big hug

'Hi?' Katherine said unsure clearly pretty tired I mean I did tire her out earlier

'did I wake you, if so I'm so sorry!' Ryan said still hugging her 'it's fine' she said patting his back

'I can't do this I miss Jen!' Ryan said to Katherine 'Hey, it's going to be ok!' Katherine said 'I love her' he said as his voice cracked 'I know Ry' she said

'I still want her! I need to go see her right now' Ryan said 'Ryan it's three in the morning we can't drive to Toronto right now' Katherine said 'yes I can!' He said

'No Ryan you can't you've been drinking, how about we will get you to sleep than in the morning Justin and I will take you to see Jen ok?' Katherine said 'promise?' He asked her 'I promise' she said

'Now let's get you into bed common' Katherine said nodding his head Katherine grabbed his arm and guided him up stairs

*Katherine's p.o.v*

'ok you know where the bathroom is if you feel sick and if you need anything Justin and I are down the hall' I said to Ryan as he climbed into bed 'thank you Katherine' he said 'welcome' I smiled as I walked out of the spare room shutting the door

Walking back to mine and Justin's room, I opened the door Justin had his back rested against the head bored 'he good?' Justin asked 'yeah hes in bed' I said climbing into bed 'get some sleep baby' Justin said wrapping his arms around me 'mm you too, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow' I sighed 'we will call our moms tomorrow to watch the twins because I don't think you want to bring them I'm sure there will be a lot of yelling..' Justin said 'yeah that's probably a good idea' I said nodding my head

'ok baby sleep' he said kissing my neck 'mm I love you' I said 'I love you too' he said


-next morning-

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