Chapter 11- I could never hate you

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Justin's p.o.v

'Ill be right back I have to use the bathroom' Katherine said slurring her speech a little 'okay' everyone said in sync 'hurry back' I pecked her soft lips.

'You guys are so cute' Jenny squealed 'thanks' I laughed 'I always new you too would date and be perfect for each other your just so happy with each other' she said

'I'm very happy with her' I smiled she smiled back At me 'and Justin I'm proud of you, your doing so well for you self but I missed you, I miss us all together' Jen said

'I've missed you too, I'm sorry for not always texting but I really am always missing you guys, and about never seeing you guys, what are you guys doing this summer?' I asked Jenny, Ryan and Chaz

'Nothing at all' Ryan said 'Getting bitches, nah kidding nothing' Chaz laughed 'Working.. at my shitty fucking job' Jenny said

'well Katherine and I were talking and she's coming on tour with me for the summer, how about you guys join?' I suggested

'I'm in bro!' Chaz said 'Me too!' Ryan agreed 'YES OMG, this will be the best summer ever!!!' Jenny squealed 'fuck yah it will' i smiled

Katherine's been gone for a while I should get find her.. 'Guys ill be back I'm going to find Katherine she's been gone for a bit' I said they all nodded there heads on response 

I walked to the bathroom, and my face just got red full of rage. Cody was kissing Katherine. My girlfriend. She was clearly trying to fight him off but he's much stronger than her.

'Get the fuck off of her' I yelled Cody turned around 'this is none of your business' Cody hissed 'none of my fucking business? Last time I checked you had your tongue down MY girlfriends throat' I said

Grabbing Katherine's hand and pulling her to my side 'oh she liked it if she would have just cooperated I could have had her back in minutes' Cody laughed

'you only wish' I said acting on anger I pulled my arm back and punched him square in the face I heard a load gasp slip threw Katherine's mouth

'now next time keep your fucking hands off her' I hissed I took Katherine's hand in mine and walked away and left Cody there. 

'Justin I'm sorry, I swear I didn't kiss him back please don't hate me' Katherine sobbed 'hey hey baby look at me I could never hate you, I know you didn't kiss him back' I said tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear 'can we go home please?' Katherine whispered I nodded.


Katherine's p.o.v

Getting out of the car Justin picked me up bridal style and took me up stairs to my room he placed my feet back on the ground, 2:30 in the morning my parents are probably fast asleep, but i still should just let them know we are home.

'Im just going to let my parents know we are home' i said and walked over to my parents room 'mom, dad we are home' i whispered 'ok sweetie, i love you' my mom said half asleep 'love you too' i said walking back to my room.

'Justin can you un zip my dress please ?' I asked he nodded and un zipped the back of my dress his cold hands made me shiver I slipped my dress off and was left in just my bra and underwear I could feel Justin's eyes burning into my skin so I quickly put my pjs on.

I hopped into bed and Justin threw on some sweat pants and jumped in after me. I just zoned out and my thoughts went to what happened tonight I can't believe Cody kissed me what gave him the nerve.. I just want to forget about it what a way to end my graduation. If justin didn't come looking for me who knows what would have happened..

'Justin I love you.' I whispered 'I love you too baby, do you want to talk about what happened?' He asked

'no can we just try and forget about it?' I asked 'if that's what you want, than of course now get some sleep it's been a long day' he whispered and with that I cuddled into his chest and fell instantly asleep 


Did you guys like it? do you guys want that to be the last of cody? or bring him back again latter on?

let me know your thoughts :)


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