Chapter 42- Christmas

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Katherine's p.o.v

Opening the boxes to the pregnancy tests I peed on each stick

Looking at my self in the mirror I turned on the tap to cold water, and splashed my face

10 minutes latter I took a deep breath and checked each pregnancy test

Staring at each stick in complete denial of the results I must have been starring at them for longer than I thought because there was a knock on the bathroom door

'Katherine? You've been in the bathroom for the past half an hour what's wrong?' My mom asked

Swinging open the doors I broke down in my moms arms having no clue what to do or what to even say how am I pregnant I just I can't be Justin and I are always careful how could this happen I'm too young to be having a baby Justin and I are 19 I'm not ready to be a mom

'Hey hey what's wrong?' My mom asked 'I I I'm. Pregnant' I said looking up at her

She just stared at me blankly no emotion on her face what so ever

'Mom' I said 'Katherine how' she said still with no emotion 'I I I don't know' I stuttered

'Have you taken a pregnancy test?' She asked 'yeah I just took three..' I sighed

'How could you have been so irresponsible?' She asked 'right because you where so perfect when you were my age and had me right?' I spat grabbing the tests and stuffing them in my bag and running down the stairs

Opening the front door my dad and brother where just walking threw I completely ignored them and ran into my car

Starting the engine I sped off, I was a couple minutes away from Jeremy's house but I just I can't face Justin

Pulling the car over I just broke down again.

Justin's p.o.v

'Justin. Is Katherine pregnant?' My dad asked

'What? No we always use protection' I said 'when's the last time you two had sex?' He asked

Normally I'd find this awkward to be talking about my sex life with my dad but this is serious

'Um our first day in Mexico when she surprised me, we were drunk and fuck' I said

'And you can't remember if you used protection or not can you' he said

Looking at him blankly I'm just hoping it's not true I'm not going to over think this chances of her actually bring pregnant are slim I'm just going to leave it if she's pregnant she will tell me I'm not going to ask her because I just don't want her getting upset

'Justin?' He said 'hm what?' I said 'you better talk to her when she gets back' he said

'Just I'm going to leave it alone and if she says something than we will talk about it' I said

Katherine's p.o.v

Pulling out my phone I dialled in Jens number, ringing it went straight to voice mail 'hey it's Jen! Leave me a message *beep*

'Hey Jen it's me call me when you can please it's important' I said hanging up the phone

Ok Katherine suck it up and go back to the house and talk to Justin you have to do this

After about 10 minutes of pep talking myself I finally got the courage to go back to the house and see Justin plus he said he wanted to go to the movies and well I could go for some popcorn

Taking a deep breath I drove off and pulled into the driveway killing the engine I grabbed my bag and climbed out of the car

Walking up to the door I decided I really don't have to knock grabbing my keys I took a deep breath and put a smile on my face

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