Chapter 9- you do want to come?

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Katherine's p.o.v 

We are at dinner now and Justin has barely said two words to me.. What did I do? Is it about what Pattie brought up? I want to go on tour with him but his reaction to when Pattie brought it up I'm not to sure if he wants me to come with him.

'Justin can we talk please?' I asked him 'um yah sure lets go' he said I took his hand and we walked out side for some air.

'Are you okay? You've barely said two words to me, did i do something?' I asked 

'Im fine.' He said sternly 'Justin seriously what did I do' I was started to get mad 'it's not what you did it's the fact you clearly don't want to go on tour with me' Justin said.

Wait what he thinks I don't want to go on your with him? Where did he get that idea from? I just stared at him 'see what I mean your not saying anything! If you don't want to come on tour just tell me Katherine.' Justin was practically yelling

'Justin what the fuck, of course I want to go on tour with you where the fuck did you get the idea that I don't want to go' I yelled

'wait you do want to come?' Justin said quietly 'Justin of course I want to go with you.. I love you and I don't want to not see you for months ill go crazy' I admitted

Justin didn't say anything instead he crashed his lips to mine, this kiss showed guilt and sorriness, i deepened the kiss by wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him closer, moments latter he broke this kiss.

 'I'm sorry I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions i should have asked you' Justin spoke quietly 'its okay just ask next time' I smiled

'I love you so much, will you come on tour with me?' Justin said 'of course Ill go on your tour with you, I love you' I said Justin smiled

'good. now can we not fight again? I hated that' Justin said 'I hated it too' i agreed 'ok we should probably go back in' Justin said 'lets go' I said

Justin quickly pecked my lips and we walked hand in hand back to the table 'everything okay you two?' My dad asked 'yup' Justin and I said in sync 'kids' my dad shook his laughing and went back into a conversation with Jeremy.


 'Okay have fun at the party' my mom said 'but not to much fun, Justin keep my daughter safe tonight' my dad spoke up.

'of course' Justin smiled our parents left and now it's just the graduating class and our dates and friends we brought. I looked at Justin and smiled 'ready to party?' I asked 'always' Justin smiled.


almost 460 reads!?! omg i love you guys xx 

Thank you for the postive fed back on twitter it means alot to me, Just thought id post one more chapter today because this ones so short.

Drama coming next couple of chapters

thanks for reading 


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