Chapter 46- The lights

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Katherine's p.o.v

Stretching my arms out I felt around the bed for Justin but nothing sighing I rolled over and there was a note on his pillow that read

you looked way to peaceful sleeping I didn't want to wake you up call me when you do wake up, and Ill have somebody pick you up and bring you down to the studio love you baby 

- Justin

grabbing my phone off the charger I dialed in Justin's number 'hey baby' he said threw the phone 'hey I'm up now' I said 'want me to send somebody to come get you?' he asked 'let me shower and get ready than sure' I said 'so an hour or so?' Justin asked 'uh half hour shouldn't take me long your not here distracting me' I laughed 'ok babe somebody will be there in half hour just be ready in the lobby and be careful please' he said 'I will be, love you see you soon' I said 'love you too babe' he said and the line went dead

the past four days we have been in la, its been the same thing, wake up go to the studio sit there all day and than once Justin's done we go back to the hotel eat, cuddle fall asleep, I'm not complaining I love watching him in the studio hes all focused and just working his ass off to make the song perfect as weird as it sounds sitting there in the studio all day is actually pretty tiring I just want to go out and do something we have 3 more days in la so I'm hoping we can at least do something before we head back to Canada

jumping in the shower I quickly washed my hair and body, turning the hot water off i grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body

brushing the knots out of my hair, I just decided to blow dry my hair and let it fall naturally sense I cut my hair its starting to grow back and I'm glad I miss my long hair now that its gone I probably need to go for a trim so it will grow faster

quickly putting on some light make up, I walked over to my suit case slipping on a pair of tights and a plain black tank top along with a pair of black toms looking in the mirror you could see my baby bump and it just puts a smile on my face every time I see it

grabbing my phone and bagged I walked out of the hotel room and towards the elevator pressing the button I walked in

the ding of the elevator happened, and I walked out and the lobby was full and I mean full of Beliebers like I don't know how I'm supposed to even get threw....

putting my head down, I mazed my way threw the crowd of girls and just before I was about to make it threw i heard somebody scream

'ITS KATHERINE' somebody screamed fuck. running out the door I saw Dustin standing in front of the van making eye contact with me he ran up to me helping me threw the crowd than the paparazzi started





keeping my head down and trying to ignore the comments thrown at me I jumped in the car

'you ok Katherine?' Dustin asked 'yeah I'm good can we just uh go' I said nodding his head he drove off

arriving at the studio, I jumped out of the car Dustin leading me to the doors of course there was more paparazzi screaming the same things at me like the other group did like honestly I'm not even famous why do you need pictures of me I'm just walking into a building whats so interesting about that anyways? 

'justins just in studio A down the hall to your right, I'll be there in a bit' Dustin said 'ok thanks' I smiled

walking down the hall I knocked on the door first, than walked in Justin was in the recording room, scooter and usher were both sitting with Rodney Jerkins

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