Chapter 62- You need to be the one to tell him

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*Katherine's p.o.v*

'I sure hope so because, Katherine I went to the clinic today this baby is not Alec's it's Ryan's' she said

Staring at her blankly i didn't know what to say this is good news right?

'Wait what, I thought it was Alec's baby?' I asked 'I uh I thought it was but it's not it's Ryan's' she said 'how did this happen? I mean obviously I know how it happened but whats going to happen now like Jen no offense how are you going to get Ryan to believe you its his after you said you didn't want to be tied down to just one person.. yes he still loves you but its probably going to take a lot for him to forgive you' I said

'I know that, that's why I was thinking maybe you can talk to him for me?' she asked 'oh no, I'm sorry Justin and I are already in the middle of this Jen and I'm not going to be the one to tell him the baby is his that's all you sorry' I said 'fine I understand but whenever I text him he ignores it' she sighed 'he needs some time' I said 'its been two weeks..' she said 'Jen he thinks your carrying somebody else's baby did you think he was going to forgive you that easily?' I asked 'no but.. I don't know look can you just tell him I really need to talk to him you don't have to tell him but just tell him its important he calls me yeah?' she asked 'I will promise, but like I said you need to be the one to tell him' I said giving her a warm smile

'I understand and I'm guessing you really cant hang log considering you have the twins to get to along with Justin' she said 'I can stay for a while longer Justin's at his dads I'm just meeting them there once we are done' I said 'oh okay hows the wedding planning going? and did you find a dress?' she asked

'every things going well and no I didn't find a dress yet I haven't found the perfect one yet, I'm going again Saturday if you'd like to come?' I said asking the last part 'I'd love to considering I fucked up your last one' she said 'look lets just forget it alright?' I said 'works for me' she agreed

after about another hour or so of just talking I looked at the time and it was almost 4 'Jen I should probably get going do you need a ride home?' I asked 'no I'm okay thank you tho' she smiled 'yeah of course' I said 'so you'll just tell Ry to call or text me?' she asked again 'yes Jen I will promise' I said getting up and giving her a hug

'I'll see you soon yeah?' I asked 'for sure' she smiled walking out the doors and to my car I watched where I steeped because of the ice and I really didn't feel like falling on my ass, grabbing my keys and unlocking the door I jumped it starting the engine cranking up the heat I let the car warm up for a couple of minutes than drove off towards Jeremy's house

Once I got to Jeremy's I pulled into the drive way, throwing the car in park killing the engine and climbing out I walked to the front steps and knocked on the door after a couple of minutes Justin came to the door laughing 'whatcha laughing at?' I asked stepping into the house 'you' he said

'oh? why' I asked 'because you actually knocked on the door and didn't come in until somebody came to the door babe' he said 'is that a bad thing?' I asked 'no its just you can walk in without knocking on the door' he laughed in my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist placing a warm kiss on my neck

'nopee' I said pushing him away 'what babe why?' he said 'you laughed at me that wasn't nice' I said crossing my arms 'I'm sorry for laughing baby can I please have a kiss?' he said pouting his lip. rolling my eyes I stepped closer to him and he didn't hesitate to place his lips on mine

moments after breaking the kiss, Justin looked and me saying 'I love you'

'I love you too' I smiled 'better' he said 'I do' I smiled

'so how was Jen?' he asked 'can I go see the twins first than we can talk about that?' I asked 'twins are taking a nap' he said 'oh, okay well lets go sit down and I'll tell you' I said grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the living room to sit on the couch

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