Chapter 5- I love you

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It's Friday and tonight I'm going for dinner with Justin we are just going to Boston pizza so I'm just dressing casually me and Jenny were just at the mall its 3:00 Justin will be at my house at 5:30. 'Okay let's head back to your place and get you ready because I don't care what you and Justin say this is a date' Jenny stated 'lets go' I laughed.


It's now 5:15 and I'm just doing the final touches on my make up I just have natural make up and light eye liner my hair is parted down the middle and it's poker straight today I looked at my out fit one last time pleased with how I looked and skipped down the stairs. 'Aw don't you look cute' Jenny said 'thanks' 

*ding dong* I skipped over to the door and opened it Justin stood there wearing black jeans blue vans and a grey pull over hoodie with his hair perfectly spiked he looked hot. 'Hey' I smiled 'hey you ready?' 'Yes let's go just let me say bye to Jenny' I said 'oh jens here?' He asked 'yes we skipped the afternoon' I laughed Jenny came walking in 'hey Justin' she smiled and gave him a hug 'hey, how are you?' he smiled 'I'm good, we need to catch up very soon but not now because you to are going on a date' Jenny winked 'its not a date jenny' i said 'oh stop lying to your selfs and go, and when you nights over something better of happened' jenny said seriously, justin just laughed 'ok now I'm leaving have fun' she waved 'byee' justin and i said together 'ready?' i asked 'Leggooo' justin smiled  


Justin's p.o.v 

We were just pulling up to the restaurant now and I'm fucking nervous tonight I'm telling Katherine how I feel. She looked perfect tonight she barely had make up on and her hair fell perfectly, I'm falling for her and I'm falling for her hard i just need to get this off my chest.

 I Turned to her and smiled 'ready?' 'Yes I'm starving' she giggled. We walked into the restaurant 'table for two please, and can we get a booth?' I asked the lady 'sure right this way' she smiled 'thank you' I said 'your waiter will be right with you' the lady walked away 'so did you do anything fun today?' Katherine asked 'I met up with Chaz and we went skate boarding it's was great no paparazzi, i was able to have a good time' I said 'aw that's good-' katherine got interrupted 'ill be your waiter today can I get you started with some drinks?' The guy asked wait no that's Cody Katherine's ex you've got to be kidding me.

 I looked at Katherine and she just looked blank all the colour flushed from her face. 'Katherine?' Cody said 'can we get a different waiter please' Katherine spoke 'no I don't think you can' Cody smirked 'get us a new waiter or we are leaving' I spoke up 'look your in my section I can't get you a new waiter' Cody said 'Justin can we just leave we can go some where else' Katherine asked 'sure lets go' I got up from my seat and gave cody a dirty look. than grabbed Katherine's hand and we walked out I let go of her hand once we were out side and at the car. 

'Im sorry I just can't deal with him' Katherine said 'hey don't worry about it' I gave her a reassuring smile 'okay well now where to' she asked 'how about we just go to McDonalds and go to our tree' I said, we have this tree that we always went to when we were kids ill tell her my feels there thats where we told each other everything so it will be perfect. 'Sounds perfect' she smiled 


We finished our food and we were just sitting underneath the tree and everything just felt perfect Katherine was looking off into space she looked deep into thought but i needed to tell her how i feel, maybe i should wait? just bring it up in conversation? no i can't i need to tell her now. 'Katherine I need to tell you something' I said nervously 'what's that?' She asked 'I um look I have feelings for you and there's no hiding them anymore I can't keep denying them I love you' the words I love you just slipped out of my mouth, i didn't mean to say that, i mean do love her but i don't know how she feels and oh god what if she doesn't feel the same what am i going to do now fuck. She just stared at me blankly with out saying a word crap what did I just get my self into.

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