Chapter 6- He loves me?

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Katherine's p.o.v

'I um look I have feelings for you and there's no hiding them anymore I can't keep denying them I love you' Justin admitted I just stared at him blankly he loves me? I didn't know what to do or what to say I'm shocked I mean I didn't even think he had feelings for me let alone love me, i can't believe this i mean i know i love him too i just never admitted it.

'Katherine please say something' Justin said nervously I can't speak the words just will not come out, so instead I just reacted on instinct I lent in and pressed my lips against Justin's our lips moved in sync his lips were so soft against mine I was kissing my best friend and nothing has ever felt so right wrapping my arms around his neck  I pulled his body closer to mine and Justin surprised me by asking for entrance I gladly accepted and our tongues fought for dominance As we made out passionately. 

Moments latter I broke the kiss and pulled away for air 'I love you too' I spoke 'really?' Justin asked 'yes I've had feelings for you for a while I was just not admitting to them because I don't want to ruin our friend ship' I admitted Justin leaned in and pecked my lips 'Katherine will you be my girlfriend' Justin asked sending butterflies to my stomach I pecked his lips 'yes' I spoke 'were dating' Justin smiled I can't believe I'm dating Justin nothing can get this smile off my face. 


'Let's head back to your place' Justin smiled and grabbed my hand our hands intertwined and fit perfectly like they were made to fit each other,  we walked in peaceful silence and once we reached my house Justin opened the door 'mom we're home' I yelled towards the kitchen 'should we tell your parents?' Justin asked 'um let's keep it between us until tomorrow' I smiled 'ok, let's head up to bed' we walked up to my room.

Justin went to the bathroom and got ready for bed I took this opportunity to get my pjs on I put on a pair of white botty shorts and a purple tank top and threw my hair up into a messy bun and hopped into bed Justin came out of the bath room wearing just a pair of grey sweat pants his body oh my god. He hopped into bed beside me and pulled me onto him so my head was rested on his chest, I felt safe being right here I could stay here forever Justin was stroking his hand up and down my back I placed a light kiss on his chest and was tracing my finger along his crown tattoo.

'I love you so much' Justin spoke 'I love you too' I blushed 'so how long have you had feelings for me Katherine? I'm curious' 'um well a while to be honest before I started dating Cody but you where with Selena so I just kept my feelings to my self' I shrugged 'Katherine why didn't you tell me?' he asked 'Well Justin how long have you had feelings for me?' I asked 'a while as well I was dating Selena..' he admitted 'Well Justin why didn't you tell me' I giggled 'touché' he laughed 'you know fall, and catching feelings where written for you' Justin admitted  I looked up to him and smiled that's so cute i was inspiration for his music? Aww. 'I love you and thank you' I spoke up 'I love you too' he kissed my forehead.

 'We were best of friends since we were this high, So why do I get nervous every time you walk by, We would be on the phone all day, Now I can't find the words to say to you, Now what am I supposed to do?' Justin sang in my ear quietly and just like that I dozed off and minutes latter I was fast asleep. 


there dating :)) what did you guys think? xx

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