Chapter 28- I missed you guys

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Katherine's p.o.v

We've been home for about a week now, everything has been going great we've been relaxing and just enjoying being back at home

Justin's been very lovey barley wanting to even leave me alone but I'm not complaining this month is the last month I have with him everyday so I'm going to enjoy every moment of it

Justin and I just decided to have a movie day today, it's raining and cold so mid as well just stay in

'What movie baby?' Justin asked me 'hmm can we watch twilight?' I asked 'you know I'm not a fan of those movies babe' Justin said

'I know but please it's my favourite' I said pulling the puppy dog eyes I know he can't resist 'fine'

'Yah!' I said clapping my hands like a child making Justin laugh

He put the movie in and came over to the couch placing me on his lap we cuddled up and watched the movie

More than Half way threw the movie Justin hit pause 'hey! What are you doing this is my favourite part there about to go play baseball' I wined

'It will still be here when we get back' Justin smiled 'back? Where are we going?' I asked

'What did we used to do when we were like 9 when it was raining' Justin asked

I laughed and remembered what we would do and caught on to what Justin wanted to go and do

'We would watch movies, And about half way threw we would go play in the puddles and dance and sing in the rain' I giggled

'Well what are we waiting for? Lets go' Justin said grabbing my hand as we ran out of the front door and into the pouring rain

Within seconds of even being out side we got soaked with the amount of rain coming down

As we jumped from puddle to puddle acting like we did while we where younger we had people staring at us as they drove by probably thinking we are crazy

I walked towards the grass and slipped I heard Justin laughing as he walked towards me so I stuck my foot out and tripped him and he fell right beside me

'Who's laughing now' I winked he hovered him self over me and crashed his lips on mine

We were having quite the make out section in my front yard on the ground in the rain

'Katherine? Justin?' I heard I pulled away from Justin and my dad was pulling up into the drive way 'what are you guys doing get inside' my dad laughed

Justin stood up and pulled me up I was probably red like a tomato at the fact my dad saw that but I guess we where on the front lawn so our fault

'Your so cute when you blush, did you know that?' Justin asking causing me to blush more

'Common baby lets get in before your dad comes and gets us' Justin chuckled kissing my check he than pulled me into the house

We were both soaking wet, standing at the front door 'may I asked what you too where doing on the ground making out in the rain' my dad laughed

'Katherine slipped' Justin laughed 'Oh so you where on top of her because she slipped?'

'Well I slipped too after' Justin said

'Oh and your lips and tongues just happened to fall into each other' my dad said

'Yup' I said 'you kids are crazy' my dad laughed and walked away

'We should go get changed' I giggled looking down at our feet we had puddles down at

He picked me up bridal style and ran up the stairs to my room and placed me on my feet

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