Chapter 12- Katin

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Justins p.o.v

I woke up and Katherine was cuddled to my chest still fast asleep, I looked at her and she looked so piece full and perfect. 

I'm still fucking pissed at the fact that douche bag had his hands on her. She wants me to forget about it but I honestly don't think I can.

I looked at my phone, and checked twitter and there where pictures of me and Katherine kissing every where. 

Great. My fans are going to be pissed at me now. Should I tweet? Or just let it be? Ill wait for scoot to call me and deal with it than. I just can never get a break no matter what there's just no privacy. It would be nice to go out and not have pictures or fake articles written of what happened. 

Now I have two issues to deal with Cody and now making sure my beliebers don't hate Katherine.

I slipped out of bed trying not to move Katherine to much and walked out the bedroom door and down to the kitchen.

'Morning Justin' Jammie said 'morning mom' I smiled 

'Have fun last night?' She said with a smile. Ha I wish. 

'Yah it was great' I fake smiled 'Justin don't you dare try lying to me. I know you to well. What happened'  Jammie said seriously 

'Its not really my place to tell you, ask Katherine' I shrugged grabbing a box of cereal 

'Please tell me you to did not break up.' Jammie asked sounding worried 

'What!? No we are still together I promise' I reassured her 

'Ok good' Jammie said firmly and I heard foot steps walking down the stairs, Katherine came into the kitchen with her hair still in curls from last night and sleep still in her eyes but she still managed to look perfect. 

'Morning sweetie' Jammie said 'morning mom' Katherine smiled walking over to me 

'Morning Justin' she said wrapping her arms around my torso and kissing my chest 

'Morning baby' I kissed her fore head 'want a bowel of cereal?' I asked her 'hmm yes please' she smiled 

I pored her a bowel of cereal and we walked to the table and started eating. 

Katherine's p.o.v

Sitting at the table eating breakfast with my mom awkwardly sitting there, soon enough I knew she would start conversation. 'Katherine, what happened last night?' She asked, see told you but wait what does she mean what happened last night? Urh Justin. I looked at Justin and gave him a dirty glare and took another bite of my food 

'Don't be giving Justin the dirty looks young lady, he didn't tell me anything I just know when he's lying and when he said he had fun last night I could tell he was lying so what happened?' My mom asked 

'Nothing mom just leave it.' I said sternly 'Katherine Marie tell me what happened now.' She said 'no mom leave it.' 

'Katherine went to the bathroom, she was gone for a while so I went to look for her I went and found her and Cody was forcing his tongue down her throat, I stopped him and than I punched him in the face who knows what he would have done if I didn't go look for her.' Justin said, looked at me and than my mom and walked up stairs 

Fuck Justin are you kidding me. My mom just stared at me blankly 'honey did he hurt you are you ok?' My mom asked 

'Yes mom I'm fine, just forget about it. It's none of your concern.' I said rudely

'None of my concern? Are you kidding? He could have hurt you.' She said 

'Mom seriously leave it I want to forget about it. I asked Justin to forget but clearly he can't fucking do that. And don't tell dad.' I said getting up from the table 

' Language. and Don't tell dad? Oh no ill be telling your father.' She said 'urhhhhhhh. Fucking leave it!' I yelled running up the stairs 

'Fuck Justin. Are you serious!? I asked you to fucking forget about it not go tell my fucking mother!' I yelled 

'Katherine seriously how the fuck do you expect me to forget your douche of an ex kissed you last night, if the situation was in reverse and selena kissed me you'd be just as fucking mad.' He yelled back

He's right I would be mad but if he fucking asked me to forget about it I would not go tell his fucking mother. 

'See you know I'm right because your not saying anything.' He said 'no your not right if you asked me to leave it I would.' I said

'Ha ha good one next joke please.' He laughed sarcastically 

'Fuck you.' I said and walked to my bed plopped my self on it and texted Jenny.

I could feel Justin's eyes burning holes into my skin but I just ignored him moments latter he walked to my bed side took my phone from my hand and threw it on the bed, before I had a chance to react his lips crashed to mine and he was on top of me. This kiss was not like the other ones we've shared it was completely heated and full of anger and passion all in one. Moments latter he pulled away 

'What did I tell you yesterday I hate fight with you.' He said pulling me on top of him 

'I know I'm sorry I hate fighting with you i over reacted I'm sorry' I whispered 

'I love you so much. Please never forget that baby' he said 

'I love you too' I whispered pecking my lips on his once more  


'ok scoot yup, thanks man' justin said threw the phone. Scooter and Justin are just trying to figure out a way to tell his fans that we are dating, im nervous.. I dont know how there going to react. What if they hate me now? I saw how much hate Selena got and I dont think i can go threw that but I will because i love justin.

'bye, yah see your thursday' justin said once more and turned to me.

'ok so scooter says for us to just post a picture on instagram with the caption 'i love her' and than then if it blows up and theres a lot of hate then to just go on twitter interact and, for you to be on as well on your twitter' he said 

'ok, well lets take this picture than' i smiled. Justin opened his camera and kissed my cheek, and i smiled towards the camera.

'aw its cute i like it' i smiled 'me too' justin smiled back he posted the picture and minutes latter his instagram and twitter completly blew up.

but not with hate, it was all good comments well a couple were negative but that was predictable.

'YAH they dont hate me!' i said excited 'I knew they wouldent' he smiled back

scrolling threw my twitter and just seeing all the postive comments made me feel happy, '@justinslove: I totally ship Katin' '@avonsweetheart: Katherine is perfect for justin i love it'

Justin tweeted @justinbieber: thank you for the support i love u guys.


The chapters are going to start getting longer now :)

Thank you guys so much for reading it means alot

What are your thoughts? do you ship Katin?


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