Chapter 57- First words

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*Katherine's p.o.v*

-6 months latter January 28th 2015-

Fluttering my eyes open, I hugged the duvet closer to my body looking over was a wide eyed Justin with a huge smile plastered across his face

'Good morning baby' he smiled 'uh good morning? How long have you been up?' I asked him 'uh an hour maybe?' He said

'Oh what where you doing?' I asked 'just watching you sleep' he said shrugging his shoulders 'you were watching me sleep for an hour?' I laughed 'yup, you look so cute and peaceful sleeping I just love watching you sleep' he said 'alright babe little creepy' I laughed climbing out of bed

'Uh where do you think your going?' He said 'the twins room' I said

'But there n-'

as if on Que one of them started crying 'how the hell did you know?' He asked 'a mother always knows' I laughed walking out of the room

Opening there door I walked into there room walking over to Bella's crib gently picking her up and rocking her to calm her down

Justin followed moments after grabbing Jason and bouncing him gently

'Ill change them baby you can go get the food ready' Justin smiled 'you sure?' I asked him 'positive' he said

Nodding my head I placed Bella on the changing table beside Jason I kissed Justin cheek and walked out of the room towards the kitchen

Sense Justin got back from la things have been great, we've started planning our wedding and we picked a date the date we chose march 24th of next year Justin will be 22, I'll be almost 22 and the twins will be almost 2 years old

Im going wedding dress shopping tomorrow and I'm beyond excited, Justin wants to come with me to pick it out but Im not letting him I want to do things the traditional way

The twins are now 7 months and are getting so big my babies are growing up to fast they've started crawling like crazy there always go go go

They've also started to make there little baby noises and Justin and I are hoping they say mama or dada soon I personally don't mind who's names they say first but I know Justin is secretly hoping its dada

As for Justin's carrier sense he's left la he's written quite a bit of songs, he got his own little studio set up down stairs so he's been able to work on his music while helping me out with the twins but of course Justin being Justin won't let me listen to any of them until the album is complete

Grabbing Bella and Jason's food from the fridge I grabbed two jars and two baby spoons placing one on each high chair

there no longer bottle fed, they now eat the mushy baby food which I'm glad

Moments latter Justin walked in bouncing Jason and Bella 'look mommy got your food ready' Justin smiled

Grabbing Bella from his arms I kissed her forehead, placing her in the high chair

Grabbing the spoon I took a small amount of the food, 'ahh' I said to Bella indicating for her to open her mouth I put the spoon up to her lips, opening her mouth slightly she took a bit of her food

Looking at me with her cute little grin clapping her hands which means she wants more I took another spoon full putting it near her lips she did the same again

'ma- ma mama' Bella said mumbling in her baby voice wait.

Looking at Justin with a smile on my I couldn't believe Bella just said her first real word and it was mama I couldn't help but start crying and it was happy tears of course

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