Chapter 61- Missed my bestfriend

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Katherine's p.o.v

'Katherine' I heard Justin say from down the stairs 'yeah up here' I called back 'your phones ringing, but the numbers coming up as private want me to answer it?' He asked 'go ahead and answer it, I'll be right down' I said back

Quickly finishing getting dressed I ran down the stairs to the living room where Justin was with Jason and Bella 'yup. She's here now. Yeah. Ok. Here she is. Welcome bye' Justin said handing me the phone

'Who is it?' I whispered to Justin 'Jen' he said nodding my head I hesitated before speaking into the phone 'hello' I said calmly

It's been a month sense the whole Ryan and Jen thing that happened at the apartment with Alec and I've only talked to her once sense than I've really had nothing to say

'I miss my best friend can we go out for lunch or something let me explain everything please' she said quietly. As much as I want to say no I can't I miss her like crazy and I need a girlfriend to talk to about the wedding plus I still haven't found my dress and well she's my maid of honor no matter what has happened

'When, where and what time?' I said shortly 'I know you have the twins and it's short notice but would you be able to go today? I'm in Stratford for a couple of days' she said

'Let me ask Justin I'll call you right back' I said 'okay, oh wait call me on my parents phone I kinda lost my cell' she said 'okay so wait what are you calling on now?' I asked 'a pay phone I'm just the clinic call me back in like an hour on there phone and I'll be there' she said 'okay bye talk in a bit' I said 'bye' she said and the line went dead

'What was that about?' Justin asked 'uh she wants to go for lunch and talk she missed me' I said 'and you miss her baby go for lunch I have these two' Justin said kissing both Bella and Jason's cheek

Smiling at the sight of Justin with our kids I can't help but always just smile whenever he's with them 'you sure? We were supposed to take them to see your dad, jazzy and jaxon' I said 'Ill be fine to take them on my own baby, than after your lunch with Jen just come meet me at my dads okay?' He said, nodding my head I sat beside him taking Bella from his arms and kissing her cheek

'Hi baby girl' I cooed 'mama' she said clapping her hands and smiling I leaned over to kiss Jason's cheek as well

'Well I'll help you help you get them ready while you shower and stuff Jen is calling me back in an hour' I said bouncing Bella 'let's go up stairs than' Justin said standing up and beginning to walk up stairs with Jason in his arms, following behind him Bella had her face in the crook of my neck twirling her fingers throughout my hair

Reaching the twins room Justin gently placed Jason on the changing table, I copied his actions doing the same with Bella gently putting her beside her brother, watching them both start giggling and clapping there hands together never fails to put a smile on my face either, I have the most perfect kids with the most perfect guy

'Go shower babe, I can change them and get them dressed' I said opening the dresser with the diapers 'you sure baby?' Justin asked 'positive' I said giving him a warm smile, nodding his head he took my face in his hands and placed his lips on mine moments after pulling away 'I love you' he said 'I love you too' I smiled

Kissing my cheek once more he walked out of the room 'alright, let's get you two changed' I said

After I had the twins dressed and changed, I picked them both up in my arms which is definitely getting harder to carry both of them now that there getting so big, there now 7 months old which is crazy to think about. Carrying them to mine and Justin's room I placed them in there baby swings

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