Chapter 17- Are you going back to school?

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It's now been two days sense Jens party, her and Ryan are now dating I honestly didn't see that one coming. They hid there feelings pretty damn well. 

My birthday is in 6 days, honestly I'm not all that excited I make a big deal out of everyone else's birthday than when it comes to mine I just don't care. Justin has a show the night of my birthday so I'm happy with watching him perform as my night, maybe have a few drinks after words but that's all. 

Justin has a show tonight, and he's just doing rehearsals right now, Chaz Ryan and Jen went out somewhere but I just wanted to stay here and help out 

'How are you Kat?' Scooter came up from behind 'I'm good scoot, and you?' I smiled 'I'm great' he said

'So have you decided what you want to do for collage?' He asked me. I sighed 'honestly no I have no clue' I said shrugging my shoulders 

'Well are you staying with Justin on tour even when September comes around' scooter asked me 'I'm not sure scoot, why?' I asked

'Well I know you enjoy photography, why don't you help out Fredo? Or if you don't want that I could  always use an assistant. Than at least your getting paid while being on tour' scooter suggested 

'Seriously? oh my god that would be great, but no a fence to you or anything I think id rather go for the photography' I giggled 

'No a fence taken kid' scooter laughed 

'Baby, can you come up here so we can rehearse one less lonely girl' Justin said threw his mic 'Does this mean I have to walk all away around the stage' I wined 

'Nope, here give me your hands and scoot can you give her a boost' Justin said 'never mind ill walk around I'm too heavy' I laughed 

'Shut up, no your not now come here' Justin said while grabbing my hands and scooter giving me a boost 

'Your light Kat what are you talking about' scooter said I just shrugged my shoulders and laughed 

'Ok now go backstage and the dancers will get you when it's your Que.' Justin said 'i know the drill don't worry, I've seen it enough times babe' I laughed 

I ran backstage and waited for my part, 'hey Kit Kat' I turned around and it was fredo 'hey sauce' I laughed 

He gave me a dirty look and laughed 'so Im your new partner' I said 'with?' He looked at me confused 

'Scooter said I should have job while I'm here so he said I could help you out' I smiled 'sweet! So you'll be the one taken the shirtless photos because I always feel like a creep' fredo laughed 

'Hold that thought ill be right back' I said when the dancers grabbed me, I  walked across the stage to the chair and sat down. 


Justin's performing never say never right now and next is one less lonely girl and I get to go a pick her tonight I'm excited 

'Im going to go walk around and find somebody for one less lonely girl' I said to scooter 'ok kid take Kenny with you' he said back 'ok' I smiled 

'Kenny! Can you come with me to find the One less lonely girl? I asked 'sure lets go' he smiled 

I love Kenny he's the sweetest he's always smiling and never in a bad mood, walking beside him I feel so short but oh well he's like a big teddy bear 

'What about her?' I asked pointing to this girl, she was farther to the back but she looked so happy and she was crying and dancing 'your choice' he laughed 'ok common' I said 

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