Chapter 32- 3 months

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Katherine's p.o.v

It's now been a week, sense we got back from the cabin Justin leaves tomorrow morning

It's Saturday tomorrow, so that means after I drop Justin off at the air port ill have to spend all weekend thinking about him and how much I miss him..

But I've been in university for a week now everything's going great! I love it my, teacher is great and I've made some new friends

I have an hour left today at school and than me and Justin are going on a date being the last night we have together and all

'Ok class get into groups of two, and I want you to take some portrait photos with different lighting' mr. Coper said

'Katherine! Want to be my partner?' Alec asked

Alec is one of the friends I made, he's really sweet and down to earth he's one of the ones that don't just want to be friends because I'm dating Justin.

He's dark haired, and he has these deep blue eyes that are gorgeous he's attractive but has nothing on Justin

'Yah! Sure lets get this done' I smiled

I grabbed my camera off my desk and we walked into the studio

'Alright, ill take pictures of you first' Alec smiled 'ok' I smiled

I sat down on the stool, in front of the white screen and Alec grabbed the lighting and arranged it so it was shinning on my face

'Ok smile' he said I shot a quick smile at the camera as he took the picture

After half hour of taking portraits of each other we went over to his desk and uploaded the pictures to the computer

'Have you ever considered being a model Katherine?' Alec asked 'um no' I laughed

'Well you should because your beautiful and are perfect in front of the camera' He smiled 'I'm not real-' I got cut off from my phone ringing 'sorry' I said

Justin's name flashed across the screen and I slid to answer

'Hello' I said 'hey baby, I know you have half hour left but I'm here' he laughed 'oh, um I might be able to get out early or maybe you can just come into my class let me ask my teacher' I said

'Ok text me and let me know' he said 'I will love you' 'love you too' he sang

'Justin?' Alec asked 'yeah, he's early' I said 'oh, well we are done our assignment I'm sure mr. Coper will let you go' he smiled

'Ill be right back!' I said

Walking up to mr. Copers desk he was typing away on his computer

'Um mr. Coper' I said 'ah Katherine what's up?' He asked

'My boyfriend got here early, and me and Alec finished our assignment so I was just wondering if I could um-'

'Go early?' He asked 'yah' i laughed 'sure go ahead kid, and tell Alec he can go as well, have a goodnight' he smiled

'Thank you!' I said

Walking back over to Alec, I placed my hand on his shoulder 'hey we can both go home' I smiled 'oh sweet! Well ill walk out with you' he smiled

I quickly shot Justin a text telling him I was on my way out

Walking threw the halls, we pushed the doors open and there stood Justin

His jeans sagging low, white supras and a blue t-shirt his hair perfectly in place looking perfect as always

'Hey baby' he said pecking my lips 'hey you, oh Justin this is Alec my photography partner and Alec this is Justin my boyfriend' I smiled

'Sup man' Alec said holding out his hand for Justin to shake it 'hi' Justin said sharply and rudely not even shaking Alec's hand

Alec awkwardly put his hands into his jean pockets 'um well nice meeting you, see you Monday Katherine' he shot a warm smile

'Bye, have a nice weekend' I smiled 'you too' he said walking away

'What the hell was that' I spat 'nothing lets go' Justin said 'not till you tell me why you where so damn rude' I said

'I don't know ok let's go' he said grabbing my hand pulling me towards the car

Pulling my hand to my side, I walked right past Justin and into his car slamming the door

Justin jumped into the car sighing starting the engine and slowly driving out of the parking lot

Reaching his hand out and placing it in my lap I pulled away, childish I know but why was he so rude to Alec

I pulled out my phone and pulled up Alec's name and sent him a text apologizing for Justin's behaviour

Moments latter i got a text back

No worries

I just ignored it and put my phone in my bag

'Katherine wake up' Justin said rubbing my shoulder, I fluttered my eyes open guess i fell asleep
i mean it is a two hour drive back into Stratford.

Thank god Sunday I move into my apartment with Jenny because she goes to the university of Toronto as well now but it would be a pain driving to Stratford and back every day twice a day well actually it is a pain because this past week that's what I've done it's very tiring

Getting out of the car, we walked in silence up to Boston pizza I swear if Cody Is working tonight ill be fucking pissed he will just make things worse than they already are

'Table for two?' The girl asked 'yes' Justin said 'is Cody working tonight?' I asked 'um I believe so yes' she said 'can we not be in his section and can he not serve us like at all?' I asked politely

'I'm sure I can make that work' she smiled 'thank you' I smiled back

Justin grabbed my hand, I didn't pull away this time didn't want people seeing and making rumours

'Is this ok?' The girl asked 'yah thanks' Justin and I said in sync 'ok Chrissy will be right with you' she smiled

'I'm sorry for being rude to your friend' Justin mumbled 'he has a name you know, or did you not catch his name because you where too busy being rude' I spat

'I said I'm sorry' he said 'yah well sorry doesn't always cut it Justin' I said

'I was just' he said not finishing what he was saying 'just what Justin?' I asked

'Jealous ok' he said 'jealous? Really Justin why the hell were you jealous of Alec?' I asked

'Because he gets to see you everyday pretty much while ill be on the other side of the damn world. And he's not an ugly looking guy and well sometimes I just feel I'm not good enough for you' Justin said

'Justin' I said grabbing his hand 'you are all I want, when will you get that I don't want anyone else and just because Alec is not an ugly guy doesn't mean he's better for me than you' I said

'Yah but I know guys, and I'm sure he thinks your beautiful and what if try's to kiss you or something what if he does something I won't be here to protect you' he sighed

'I highly doubt he thinks I'm beautiful Justin and I'm a big girl I don't always need your protection ill be fine baby, you will have fun on tour seeing your fans doing what you love' I said than Alec's comment played in the back of my head

'Well you should because your beautiful and are perfect in front of the camera' but I mean Alec's not like that he's just a good friend so really Justin has nothing to worry about

'When will you get it tho Katherine your beautiful and any guy would be crazy not too think so, and I know your a big girl but your mine and I want to protect you' Justin said

'Ill understand that when you understand I'm yours and only yours' I said

'Hi I'm Chrissy and ill be your waitress tonight can u start you off with some drinks?' She asked interrupting mine and Justin's conversation

'Coke please' Justin smiled 'and root beer for me' I said 'alright ill be right back with those' she said

'Im sorry for being rude I really am I should have given him a chance' Justin sighed

'It's alright, I forgive you' I smiled
'I love you' he said 'I love you' I said leaning over the table pecking his lips

After talking and eating, Justin quickly payed of course not letting me pay as per usual nothing shocking there we walked out to the car

'So, you requested not to have me as your waiter? I'm hurt you too' a voice came from behind us

'Fuck off Cody' I spat not even having to to turn around to know it was him

'Why so bitchy Katherine. We used to be in love why act like this now?' He asked

'Why act like this? You've got to be kidding. Just fuck off and leave us alone' I spat

'Fine, but once you've had enough of your walking bank just remember I'm right here' he smirked

Justin walked up to him and punched him right in the face 'Fuck man you have anger issues' Cody spat

'Learn how to fucking respect Katherine and ill stop punching you whenever I see you' Justin said walking into the car and slamming the door

'Bye babe' Cody shouted I just ignored him and climbed into the car shutting the door

Justin didn't say anything he just sped off.

About 10 minutes latter we pulled up to my house Justin still not saying a word he killed the engine and got out of the car walking up to the front door

I just sat in the car and threw my head back. Why is it things always get screwed up when things are going fine. Everything was perfect a week ago and now everything is just fucking up

I crawled out of the car, walking to the front door and running up the stairs to my room

Justin was already in my room packing his bags for tomorrow, as per usual he's leaving it to the last minute

I took of my clothes and threw on a pair of pyjama shorts and one of Justin's sweaters and crawled into bed pulling my phone out and logging into twitter

There was pictures everywhere of Justin punching Cody. Great, now he's going to get a bunch of bad publicity for this now fuck and scooters gunna kill him when he sees him

Ignoring all the drama I made a quick tweet 'last night with Justin. :('

Moments latter it got a bunch of replies and rts

Logging of I turned my phone off and put it on the night table beside me

Watching Justin pack, he looked very focused and I could see it in his eyes just how mad he is I crawled out of bed and walking over to him

Wrapping my arms around his torso, he sighed and pulled me in closer to him

'Your mad at me aren't you' he sighed 'mad? No' I said 'oh' was all he said 'let's just forget it ok?' I said he just nodded his head

'You all packed?' I asked 'sadly yah, I left a couple of shirts, sweaters and sweats for you' he forced a smile 'thank you' I giggled

'Lets go to bed, we have to be up early to drive to the airport' I sighed

Justin took his clothes off leaving him in just his boxers we crawled into bed cuddling into each other 'I love you' he said 'love you to Justin' I sighed not wanting to talk much more knowing I'd start crying


*beep* *beep* *beep*

My alarm went off, 6 in the damn morning fuck. I turned the alarm off

'Justin, hey common baby wake up' I said shaking him slightly

'No' was all he said pulling me into his chest 'I know you don't want to but we need to' I said pecking his lips

Sighing Justin got up and we crawled out of bed, quickly getting dressed Justin grabbed his bags and we walked down the stairs

My mom and dad where both already up so they could say bye to Justin

'You too leaving?' My dad asked 'yah' Justin sighed

'Going to miss you around here, but the three months will fly past and you'll be back for Christmas' my dad smiled giving Justin a hug

'Lets hope it flys! Ill miss you too Brian' Justin said

'Im going to miss you Justin, be sure to call' my mom said pulling Justin in for a hug 'of course ill call, ill miss you too' Justin said

Walking out of the front door, putting Justin's bags in the trunk we crawled into the car, I decided I'd drive for a change I started the engine and sped off

After a silent car ride we arrived at the air port 'walk me to the gate?' Justin asked 'of course' I said

We hopped out of the car, and Kenny was standing there waiting 'hey kid, hey Kat' he smiled

'Hey' I smiled 'hey man' Justin said back 'these all your bags?' Kenny asked 'yes' Justin sighed

Walking to the gate in silence hand in hand we got to the gate this is it, I have to say goodbye to Justin I don't want to do this why do I have to do this

'I guess this is it' he sighed 'I guess' I said keeping my head down knowing if I looked up into those eyes I'd lose it

'Baby look at me' he said I just shook my head 'Katherine please' he said taking his hand and lifting my chin

'Baby please don't cry' he said pulling my body into him for a tight hug I silently sobbed

'Justin I'm sorry we gotta go' Kenny said 'one sec' Justin said

'I love you so much don't forget that, and ill text you, call you it Skype your everyday I promise' Justin said 'I love you too Justin' I said

Crashing our lips to each other we made out right in the middle of the airport not caring who was staring

Moments latter Justin broke the kiss 'I have to go, ill see you in three months' he sighed 'lets hope it flys, i love you' I said shedding a tear

'I love you too' he said pecking my lips once more and walking off I turned around not looking back knowing if I did I'd run into his arms and not let go


Oh 2 chapters in one day you guys are lucky

Well I got bored all night so I just decided to write! I hope you guys liked it :)

Next update will be Tuesday!

Tweet me what your thoughts are @justinsmyescape


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