Chapter 41- no no no

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Katherine's p.o.v

It's getting close to having to leave Stratford and head back to Toronto because I have school Monday, Tuesday

I can tell Justin really doesn't want to go back to Toronto he just wants to stay here with his family, and I don't blame him I don't want to leave either but I sadly have too

'babe?' Justin said coming in from playing outside with the kids 'yeah?' I asked 'would you be mad at me if i stayed here for the two days you go back to toronto' Justin asked 'no why would i be mad? its not like ill be able to be with you constantly ill just be at school so ill be pretty boring' i giggled

'Thats not the point what about before school? And after school? and bed time?' Justin said 'Justin I'm not 5 I'm sure I can survive 'bed time' by my self' I giggled

'But I've only been home 3 days' Justin said 'I'll be fine it's just two days and than right after school on Tuesday I'll drive back here' I smiled

'Only if your sure i don't want you to be upset' he said 'I'm positive, spend time with your family' I smiled 'I'm going to leave marble with you than' I said

'Alright, and could you bring me more clothes when you come back?' He asked 'I can do that' I smiled

'Thank you' he said wrapping his arms around my waist 'hmm your welcome' I said copping his actions and wrapping my arms around his torso

Placing his lips on mine, he gently kissed me than licking my lip asking for entrance the kiss got more heated

Moments latter I pulled away, we linked hands and walked into the kitchen where our parents where talking

'You guys heading out, before it gets too dark?' Jeremy asked us 'well I'm leaving yes, Justin's going to stay' I smiled

'Oh, everything ok?' Jeremy asked 'oh yeah! But there's no point in Justin just doing nothing while I'm at school so he decided to stay here and spend time with you and the kids' I smiled

'Oh ok well I'm not complaining more time with my boy' Jeremy smiled 'and than Kat with come back Tuesday after school and we will stay here until Katherine has to go back to school' Justin said

'Oh good!' My mom smiled 'well I should get going' I smiled warmly 'aw ok' my mom sighed

'Im just going to go say bye to the kids I'll be right back' I said kissing Justin's cheek

Walking off into the kids playroom they where playing and giggling

'Katherine' the all squealed 'hey you guys' I smiled kneeling down to the level

'Im leaving now guys, but I'll see you on Tuesday' I smiled 'Noo why are you leaving' jazzy pouted

'I have school back in Toronto' I said 'oh' was all she said 'yeah but biebers staying' I smiled 'yahhhh' she cheered

'Ok give me a hug' I said stretching my arms out, attacking me into a big hug jazzy said 'love youu, see you Tuesday'

'I love you too Jaz' I smiled 'bye Jaxson' I said stretching my arms out for another hug 'bye Kat' he said hugging back 'wove you' he said 'love you too bud' I smiled

Looking at my brother who was patiently waiting for me to give him a hug 'bye Mikey, I'll see you Tuesday ok?' I said 'ok bye I love you he said giving me a big hug 'love you' I said getting up and walking out of the room back into the kitchen

'Alright time for me to head out' I smiled standing at the door way of the kitchen

'have a good last couple days of school and drive safe please call me when your home' my mom said hugging me 'I will love you' I said hugging back 'love you too'

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