Chapter 52- Twins

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Katherine's p.o.v

Pushing yet again I finally heard my baby cry 'Katherine I'm going to need you to start pushing again your having another baby' she said 'what no I think your mistaking, doctor said only one' I said 'Katherine there's another one you gotta push sweetie' she said 

'Justin I swear I hate you right now' I said pushing once again 'I love you too baby' he smiled holding my hand 

'ok your almost there couple more pushes' the doctor said

after a couple more pushes another cry filled the room 'you have two healthy babies you have a baby boy and a baby girl' the doctor said 'and Justin would you like to come and cut the umbilical cords?' doctor asked 'really?' Justin said 'yes common' doctor said 

I have twins. I baby boy and a baby girl I just am I dreaming? this is just a surprise for all of us 

'Katherine would you like to meet your babies?' the nurse asked nodding my head in agreement she brought them both over to me one in each arm 

my mom was in awe just staring at them, Justin had the biggest smile on his face and as for me well I was crying 'what are you naming them sweetie?' my mom asked 'Jason and Isabella' I smiled looking at Justin who was nodding his head in agreement 'I'm going to give you and Justin some time alone and go tell everyone' my mom smiled 'ok' I said smiling

'Can I hold Bella' Justin asked 'shes your daughter too baby of course' I smiled 

*Justin's p.o.v*

two beautiful healthy babies a girl and a boy how did I get so lucky? I'm holding my daughter right now and shes beautiful my son is in my beautiful fiances arms and right now nothing could make this moment any more perfect 

'I just cant believe we had twins' Katherine said yawning 'neither can I babe but you look tired why don't you get some sleep?' I said 'no its okay I want to see everyone first and spend time with our babies' she smiled 

'Oh my god' I heard a woman's voice turning my head it was my mom 'Justin Katherine there beautiful I'm a grandma oh my' she smiled putting her hand on my shoulder  

My dad, Katherine's dad and our moms where both in the room just wanting to hold Jason and Isabella Katherine's parents have Bella and mine have Jason as for the kids Jazzy was on my lap and Michael and Jaxon were on the bed with Katherine

'bieber?' Jazzy said 'yeah Jaz?' I said 'am I still your princess?' she asked 'of course you are you always will be' I smiled 'ok good, can Bella and I be princesses together?' she asked 'of course you can sweetie she just needs to get a bit older' I smiled 

'has anybody told Jen and Ryan?' Katherine asked 'I texted Jen but she was pretty dr- out of it' I said 'oh' Katherine said kind of disappointed 'and it is 4:00 in the morning babe' I laughed 

*Katherine's p.o.v*

 'and it is 4:00 in the morning babe' Justin laughed 'oh right' I said 

'boys are you not tired?' I asked Jaxon and Michael nodding there heads and yawning mumbling yes 

'yeah we should get going, you two need sleep anyway Justin are you going home?' Jeremy said asking the last part 'Im not leaving Katherine or my kids' Justin said 'ok well Jaz,Jax common guys' Jeremy said yawning coming over Jeremy kissed my forehead 'proud of you kid' he said 'thanks' I smiled 

'oh I don't want to put him down he looks so much like you did' Pattie said to Justin 'you need to go get some sleep momma, you can come back tomorrow' Justin smiled 'I'm just so proud of the two of you' Pattie smiled 'thank you' I smiled handing me Jason she bent down kissed my forehead than Jason's 'ok I will see you tomorrow' she smiled 'see you tomorrow' I smiled looking down at Jason 

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