Chapter 24-Bitch

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Chapter 24

Its been about a week sense Justin and i went on our date and It's now our 2 months tomorrow.

I want to get him something but what do you get someone who already has everything they want?

I know it's only our two month but to me that's still a big deal I don't want to get him something big just something small he's always spoiling me but I never know what to get him.

We are in Jacksonville Florida and I absolutely love it here, Justin has today off so we have just been laying by the pool side of the hotel resort we are at.

Jenny and I are tanning and Justin and Ryan are playing basketball

'What should I get Justin for tomorrow?' I asked Jen

'2 months tomorrow right?' She asked

'Yes' I smiled 'hmm that's a good question, how about we get dressed and go to the mall' she smiled

'Ok, should we bring the guys with us, and we can go for lunch' I asked

'Yes! And we can just wonder off with out them for a bit' she said

'Alright let's go' I said getting up we walked over to the basketball court

'We are going to the mall, would you guys like to come and we will go for lunch' I asked Ryan and Justin

'Sure, but first you guys are going to join us for a two on two game' Justin said

'No I really don't want to Justin' I said 'yah me neither' Jen agreed

'Nope lets go' Ryan said grabbing Jens hand and pulling her into his chest

'We are only wearing our bikinis, I don't think that proper clothes to be running up and down a basket ball court in' Jenny said

'Oh well it's just us, I'm sure Justin doesn't mind Katherine in just a bikini and I don't mind you in just that' Ryan laughed

'No I don't mind at all' Justin laughed kissing my cheek 'fine quick game and than we are going' I laughed

'Yea!' Justin and Ryan said in sync high fiving each other

'Ok teams of two. Justin and I on a team, and you two on a team' Ryan said

'Well hows that far you guys will win hands down' Jen said

'No it's fine we got this Jen' I laughed we walked over to place our bags down

'All we have to do to win is distract them' I said 'oh smart thinking girl' Jen laughed

'Ok losers buy winners lunch' Jen said 'your on' Justin said


'WE WIN HA YOU OWE US LUNCH' I said laughing

Distracting the guys ending up getting us too win, they were too busy starting at us to actually take the ball from us and when they did have the ball we ended up getting it back by knowing there soft spots

'That was an un fair game you guys totally cheated' Justin said

'Well if you guys were not such guys and didn't get so easily distracted' Jen laughed

We all walked up to our rooms to get ready, Justin and I in a room obviously and then Jen and ry together

'Babe that was not a fair game' Justin said opening our room door

'And why not?' I asked shutting the door behind us

'You knew what you were doing and totally turned me on there a couple of times' Justin said

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