Chapter 50- One year

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June 7th 2014

Katherine's p.o.v

'Katherine, babe wake up' Justin said gently shaking me 'hmm' I mumbled indicating I was up

'Happy anniversary' he said gently kissing my lips 'happy anniversary' I said back wrapping my arms around his torso

We've been with each other for a year today, can you say crazy? I mean that year went by so fast and honestly a lot has happened I'm now almost 8 months pregnant come the 18th of June 4 more weeks till my due date I just honestly cant wait for Jason to come out

I'm huge and I'm always hungry, moody or well horny I swear Justin and I have probably had sex more this past couple months than we have ever had.. I mean hes not complaining but do you know how uncomfortable it is to have sex when your this pregnant?

Justin's not telling me were we are going tonight he says he wants to leave it a surprise but I just want to know

'You wanna tell me where we are going tonight?' I asked once again 'nope' he smirked 'whyyy' I wined 'because it's a surprise' he said 'fine' I pouted

'You hungry?' He asked 'what kind of a question is that?' I giggled 'would you like to go out for breakfast? Or make something here' Justin asked 'I don't feel like getting dressed or ready yet so let's make something here' I smiled

Justin nodded his head, pulling the duvet off of us he got up off the bed pulling me with him

Walking into the kitchen, I went to the cupboard and grabbed the pancake mix while Justin grabbed the bacon out of the freezer

'Damn that was good, we should sign up for a couple cooking show' Justin laughed 'oh for sure' I laughed 'ok let's go get ready we are going out' he said

'Where too?' I asked 'it's a surprise' he smirked 'why must everything be a surprise' i asked 'because it just does let's go' he said grabbing my hand pulling me up the stairs

'what should I wear?' I asked 'well we will be outside, and its pretty warm out so shorts?' he said 'alright' I said

walking to my closet I grabbed a pair of shorts along with a black baggy tank top quickly getting dressed I grabbed a pair of black vans slipping them on as well 'we are coming back home after so I can get ready for dinner right?' I asked 'oh yeah dinners not till 7 we have tons of time' he said nodding my head in agreement I just decided to threw my hair up into a messy bun with just light makeup

'Ready babe?' I Justin asked standing by the door he was wearing cameo shorts along with a black v- neck and blacks vans 'ready, and are we becoming that kind of couple?' I asked looking at my shoes and than his 'apparently yes' he said laughing

'ok lets go' He smiled

After driving an hour we finally pulled up into a parking lot to the zoo

'the zoo!?! I haven't been here in forever' I said 'I know that's why I brought you here' he said 'you know me too well' I smiled 'that I do' he said parking the car than pecking my lips unbuckling my seat I jumped out of the car

'common common'' I said 'Im coming babe calm down' he chuckled intertwining our fingers walking to the main entrance we got our wrist bands

'monkeys first' Justin said 'than the tropical rainforest' I smiled

We've been walking around the zoo for the past couple of hours getting stopped at times for Justin to take some pictures but its been an amazing day but my feet are starting to get sore one of the down faults of being pregnant 'can we get some food?' I asked 'we can' he smiled 'where too?' he asked

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