Chapter 22- I have a surprise for you

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It's now been two days sense everything with Chaz happened and well he's not longer on tour anymore Justin did not take it well when he saw Chaz.

-flash back-

'YOU FUCKING KISSED MY GIRLFRIEND. WHAT KIND OF FUCKING BEST FRIEND ARE YOU' Justin yelled at Chaz I flinched, when Justin gets like this is honestly kind of scary

'Bro, I've had feelings for Katherine for a while I had to kiss her' Chaz spat out 'SO YOU GO AND RUIN OUR FRIENDSHIP IN THE PROCESS.' Justin yelled 

'She wasn't supposed to go blab her mouth to you and tell you' Chaz said

'She's my fucking girlfriend you think she's going to lie to me?' Justin said I grabbed his hand to try and calm him down

'Look bro I didn't want to cause shit your my best friend I'm sorry I couldn't help my self' Chaz smirked 

'Was your best friend' Justin hissed 'forgive and forget common Justin' Chaz said 

'No. Im fucking done' Justin said he was starting to clench his fists and I knew exactly what he was going to do 

'Justin don't' I spoke 'Katherine just please let go of my arm' he said 'no Justin you need to calm down' 

'Calm down you expect me to calm down? He fucking kissed you Kat and not just once fucking twice' Justin started raising his voice at me

'Look we have all been best friends for how long and we are going to let this stupid kiss get between us? I'm sorry ok I was in the wrong I shouldn't have done it' Chaz apologized 

'You can get off this tour and go back to Stratford I don't want you here' Justin said 

-end of flashback- 

I know what Chaz did was completely wrong but I can't help but feel bad and feel like this Is my fault who knows if Justin will forgive Chaz and well I just feel bad I know I shouldn't because well he's the one who kissed me and possibly could have ruined mine and Justin's relationship but it doesn't change the facts that we have all been best friends for a very long time

We are on the bus now, with fredo, Ryan and well of course Justin it's like 11:30 at night and we are all bored as hell. Well at least I'm bored the guys are playing video games and I'm sitting here in the eating area eating of course.

I walked over to the fridge and found two bottles of vodka and some coolers what the fuck are we doing sitting around I grabbed the alcohol and placed it on the table and grabbed some glasses.

The guys were way to into the video games to even realize. I took one of the bottles and stood in front of the tv and shook the bottle 

'Kat move!' Fredo said 'urg common I'm bored lets play some drinking games. Play the video games when your drunk' I wined 

'Im up for it' Ryan stood up and grabbed the bottle from my hand 'yah!!' I clapped acting like a 5 year old Justin and fredo looked at each other and sprung up fredo walking to the table Justin grabbed my hand and sat me down beside him as we sat around the table 

'Ok let's play truth or dare, if you don't do the dare or answer the truth you take two shots it gets funnier once you get drunk, buy we all have to write 5 or more truths and dares on paper and than throw them in a bowel' I laughed 

 'Lets do it, I'll go grab the paper we all need a drink to start off with' fredo said 

I grabbed a cooler, as well did fredo and Justin and Ryan had vodka with the chaser 

All writing down are truths and dares we folded the up and put them in a bowel 

'Who's going first? Lets do oldest to youngest' Ryan said 'than I'm first' fredo said pulling out a folded piece of paper from the bowel 

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