Chapter 31- Surprises

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Katherine p.o.v

Fluttering my eyes open, I felt around the bed and the warmth of Justin wasn't there, I reached for my phone and turned it on, the first thing that flashed a crossed the screen was Justin's name

Baby <3

You looked too cute to wake you, so I've taken the kids out on the paddle boat for a picnic, have a some time to your self today baby and soak up the sun. Love you so much baby and I have a surprise for you tonight ;)

A smile came across my face, there was no point in replying because well he's with the kids and as well his phone was sitting beside mine

We've now been at the cabin for 4 days it's been perfect, we have done nothing but relax and just have time with our family the way things should be every once in a while

Justin deserves this most of all, he's always working hard and he deserves time to just relax

Jeremy and Erin are coming down tonight and I'm surprising Justin, I've called pattie and she is coming down as well nobody knows but me, she is coming down and should be here in an hour or so I'm meeting her in town so I'm hoping Justin will still be out with the kids

I hoped out of bed, throwing my hair up into a messy bun because I really don't care how I look at the cabin

I threw on my bathing suit, some sorts and a big knitted sweater as a cover and slipped on some flip flops and walked out of my room

Walking into the kitchen walking over to the fridge there was a note

I'm sure you know Justin has gone out with the kids, your dad and I are going fishing be back latter - love mom xoxo

So everyone's left me here alone. Well at least I'm meeting pattie

Marble came running into the kitchen sitting at my feet

'Want a bone baby?' I asked her

She barked and wagged her short little tail, I grabbed a bone and bent down and gave her the bone

'Want to go for a car ride?' I asked her she ran right to the door

I quickly wrote a note just letting everyone know I was going into town for a couple of hours and that id be back soon

I grabbed my bag, my keys and slipped my phone into my pocket grabbing marbles leash and walking out of the front door


-one hour latter-

'Pattie!' I said 'hi sweetie, how are you?' She asked hugging me

'Im good how are you?' I asked hugging back 'I'm good, I'm excited to go down to the cabin I feel it's been forever sense I was down there' she said

'Its been a while' I giggled

We arrived back at the cabin, pattie and I hopped out of the car I grabbed marble and placed her on the ground

Jeremy's car was now here as well, I looked down by the water and everyone there except Erin?

'So does anyone know I'm coming?' Pattie asked 'nope your a surprise' I smiled

Marble ran down to the water either to Justin or to go for a swim pattie and I walked down

Justin and the kids where in the water, my mom on the lawn chair tanning and my dad and Jeremy where fishing off the end of the dock

Pattie went behind my moms chair and covered her eyes 'guess who' pattie gigged

'PATTIE' my mom screamed in excitement and jumped off her chair and gave pattie a hug causing everyone to look

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