Chapter 22

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*1 year later*

'Here I am, once again, I'm torn into pieces, can't deny it, can't pretend, just know you were the one, broken up, deep inside, but you won't get to see the tears I cry, behind these hazel eyes!'

-Stacey's POV-

Today is the day I go back to where I once lived, the day I go back and get the old me.

It's a year after I left, the Monday before thanksgiving.

I'm halfway home when Sampson starts licking my cheek. I looked over at him and scowled as he gave me a wolfy grin. I couldn't stay mad at hiiiiim. I laughed and pulled over near the fields near the gas station. They did their business and hopped back into the truck.

I got in and buckled up. Please don't be too mad at me, dad and Jake. I begged.

-Jakes POV-

I look in the mirror. My eyes look so, dead. When she left, she took a part of me with her. I thought I was fine without her, but in reality, I needed her.

I sighed and got up walking to her old house. Her dad still lives there waiting for her to come back. I don't if she ever will, but if she does I will forgive her because I realize now how big of a jerk I'd been.

I hope you come back soon Stacey.

-Staceys POV-

I finally reached my house, debating whether or not I should go in. The wolves gave me a nudge telling me to get out, so I did. They hopped out after me and did their business, again, and went and sat near the front door.

I groaned and walked over to them. Belle put her paw on the door as if remembering she grew up here and wanted me to open the door. I knocked and heard footsteps come towards the door. The door opened and there stood my dad with his mouth agape as he stared at me.

The wolves scurried in side passed him. I sighed. "Please excuse their manners, dad." I said. He waved me in and I sat on the couch in front of the chair he always sat in.

The wolves jumped up next to me and licked my face. I rolled my eyes and petted them as they laid down.

My dad looked at me. "What are they?" He questioned. I shrugged.

"Wolves." I said simply. He got wide eyed and fear passed over his features. "They won't harm you. They've known you since pups." I said. He nodded.

"You should go pick up Jake today. It'll help him a lot. You should see him, after all it's been a year since anyone's seen you." I nodded and got up with my wolves. "Oh, one more thing, love you." I just nodded because I knew I wouldn't be able to say that back and he accepted that.

I hopped in my truck and drove towards the school thinking. Why did I even come back? I was perfectly happy.

It's because you love Jake. A small voice said. I frowned thinking. Did I?

When I reached the parking lot I knew the voice was right. I saw him kissing another girl, and that made my almost fixed heart shatter once more, but I knew I would always love him.

So I got out with my wolves and walked over to him and cleared my throat.

Well here goes nothing.....

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