Chapter 11

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-Jake's POV-

Where is Stacey. She's still not at school and class starts in one minute. I shrugged it off thinking her dad hurt her bad and she would come back in the middle of class, but I was wrong.

By the end of class she had still not shown up. I knew something was definitely wrong. I got in my car not caring that I ditched school. When I got to her house her dads car was gone so I was in luck. I walked up her stairs to her room. When I walked in I wished I hadn't come.

Stacey lay on her bed on her side. I couldn't tell if she was breathing or not but the thing that stuck out most, was all of the blood. Blood was covering her room. A room of blood basically. There was blood trailing to her bed and a dark puddle of it near her arm. I was careful not to step on any of it as I walked to her.

I picked her up and noticed she was shallowly breathing. I ran out of her room and went downstairs. I opened the door and right in front of me was her dad. He looked sober, but then again I'd never seen him drunk either.

He looked down and got wide eyed and looked up at me in anger. "How could you?!" He yelled. I looked at him in shock then remembered, her diary. I ran to my car put her in the passenger seat and shut the door. I went back to the house and rummaged through her backpack finding the book. I then handed it to her farther.

"I think you should read this before you make any assumptions." I said. He nodded and I drove off at an alarming pace. I got honked at a lot but I didn't care. All I cared about was getting Stacey to the hospital.

I finally reached the hospital and barely remembered to stop my car and put it on park before I grabbed Stacey and ran out towards the hospital. Once the lady noticed me she panicked and put on an alarm. Soon I was surrounded by doctors and nurses pulling Stacey away from me and putting her on a gurney.

They then rolled her out of my sight and I realized this could be the last time I saw her.

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