Chapter 3

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People say you have two parts of your soul. I believe them.

As I was sitting in 3rd period/literacy I was just thinking. I looked out the window then back at my class wondering if anyone would miss me if I left. I sighed and looked back out the window when I saw it. My mothers favorite flower.

A rose. She always said 'all roses have thorns just some are sharper than others.' She was right too. For I probably had the sharpest thorns of them all. I sighed and looked at the clock to see I only had 1 minute. I packed my stuff then heard the bell and switched seats for 4th period. I stay in the same class except Jake is in my 4th period which is science.

I went to my seat and looked out the window thinking what it would be like if we were all free from everything. I heard the chair scrape next to mine as someone sat down, I didn't pay attention to it then. Then I heard a clearing of throat and I ignored it and put my earphones in.

Poke...poke...poke...poke...poke...omg I took my headphones out and looked at the person seeing it was Jake. I mentally groaned and shook my head placing my earphones back in and looking out the window.

Poke...poke...poke...poke...poke...ugh again?! I looked over at him and raised my eyebrows.

"Can you help me with this?" He asked. I rolled my eyes, wrote down the formula, then put in my earphones and turned back towards the window.


Stacey wrote down the formula and put her earphones back in and turned away looking back out the window. She hasn't said anything this whole period. I've also been wondering why teachers don't call on her and let her ignore class but when I found out she was our top student I was more than surprised.

She always walks here which is weird because I know her dad and mom both have a car. Speaking of her mom I haven't seen her in awhile. I poked her and waited for her to turn around.

"How's your mom I haven't seen her in awhile?" I asked. She stiffened and had tears in her eyes but they were immediately placed by a wall. She looked at me blankly then turned away. I sighed and went back to my work.


He's getting too close to me. Ughhhhhh. If dad finds out about him I will be dead, literally.

He'll find out one day just not today.

*skip to 7th period*

7th period is my free period so I went to the football field and laid on the grass thinking to myself. What would life be like if Jake and I were still friends? What would life be like if my mom was still here? Would dad still be abusive? My thoughts were cut off when someone laid next to me.

"What are you doing?" The person, I realized was Jake, asked.

"Thinking." I replied simply.

"About?" He asked and looked at me.

"Stuff." I replied in a cut off tone.

"Why are you always so cut off now?" He asked. It almost sounded like he cared but I know better.

"That's none of your business." I replied angrily.

"What happened to us?!" He shouted in outrage. I was taken back by this. "We used to be the best of friends! The one time you call I don't pick up, so what?! It was one call! So why, after one phone call we aren't friends anymore?! It's like I don't even know you anymore!" He shouted. I looked at him in anger.

"What happened to us?! No! More like what happened to you! You promised you would be there anytime anyday if I ever needed you! You promised! That's why I called you! I never call anyone! I called you because I needed you! But you weren't there! The next day I come and see you with the football and cheerleaders. You left me for them." I said from angry to extremely sad. "And you claim that you don't know me anymore and you're right! You also claim that you don't know what you did, but I know your lying about that!" I got up and ran. I didn't care where I was going I just ran.

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