Chapter 23

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"Heyyyyy..." I trail off awkwardly. Jakes eyes brighten in happiness and I'm immediately embraced into him.

"You came back!" He shouted happily. The girl scoffed and walked off. He pulled away and I finally got a good look at him.

He looked...well, dead. Only he has brightened eyes, now I think.

I teared up at the sight. "I'm so sorry Jake." I hugged him and the tears finally spilled over. He hugged me tighter.

"I'm just glad you're back." He said and pulled away teary eyed. I sniffled and embraced him again.

A cough interrupted us. I turned around only to see a guy about 6'1 standing there. He had tattoos, dark pants, black shirt, combat boots, and looked about 21.

"She's coming with me." He said harshly. Jake stepped in front of me possessively.

"No." He said and it sounded hard as steel.

"Fine, we'll do this the hardway then." He shrugged and knocked Jake out cold. I ran and caught Jake before he could fall. I set him down softly and starting whimpering for him to get up.

"Come on worthless piece of shit!" He yelled at me. Then I remembered my wolves, Belle and Sampson were around.

I whistled for them to come before the guy picked me up. I saw a black and white blur running towards us. I heard a howl from Sampson and the guy froze looking at the two wolves charging towards us.

He let me go but it was too late. They had him on the ground knocked out. Sampson looked up with a wolfy grin while Belle licked her paw like it was nothing. I rolled my eyes and tried to pick up Jake, but failed majorly.

I groaned. "Why. Do. You. Have. To. Be. So. Heavy?!" With every word I tried to pick him up.

"I'm not fat, just muscles babe." He mumbled. I glared at his head.

"Get up, now." I growled. He sighed.

"Ugh fine." He stood up and looked at me with a smile while I glared. The wolves looked at us with amused faces. Jake must've noticed them right the m because he jumped and his behind me.

"What, are those?" He asked. I shrugged.

"My wolves." I replied. He jumped in front of me.

"Your wolves?!" Oh boy...

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