Chapter 25

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Sooo...after our talk about why I left Jake in the truck he finally calmed down and left about an hour ago since its 9:00 right now. I yawned and told my dad goodnight and raced upstairs with Belle and Sampson seeing I only unpacked a mattress, blankets and pillows. goes another nightmare filled night.


"I love you Jake." I told him and looked up only to see the hateful glare he was giving me.

"That's all you ever think about, is you. You never think about my feelings and that's why I'll never love you back. Just like how your dad never loved you and never will." He spat and walked away.

I watched him walk away. I watched him, and didn't do anything about it. I then felt a searing pain in leg.

*nightmare over*

"I told you we could either do it the easy way or hard way." The scary guy said hitting me on the head. I only had enough time to see Sampson bite the guys arm and drag him out the door with Belle following, then I blacked out.

-Stacey's dads POV-

I heard stomping coming downstairs to where I was still seated. Then I realized it was my daughters wolves. When they came into the kitchen, they were dragging a man. They set him down and growled loudly and menacingly. He smirked at them.

"You should go save your owner before she bleeds out, pups." That made Sampson growl louder but Belle whimpered and starting look back and forth between the guy and the stairs almost conflicted. That's when I realized what they were trying to tell me.

I grabbed my bat from the corner and knocked the guy out. Sampson looked pleased with my work but Belle immediately darted up the stairs whimpering. Sampson followed then me. I walked in and Belle was lying over Stacey in a protective way whimpering, almost whimpering for to wake up. Sampson looked worried with his dad whining but knew not to go near. I looked closer and realized her wrist had been cut and so had her leg.

I rushed downstairs and called 911. When the ambulance arrived Belle and Sampson did not want them to come near her.

"What are they?" The woman asked me watching the wolves.

"My daughter, Stacey's, wolves. Their protective and won't let you touch her unless you show them you mean no harm and they can come with you." I replied.

"Oh, they can come with us but we'll have to hurry." She said and walked toward them. She kneeled by them and said. "If you want to save your owner, she has to come with us." She said calmly but sincerely. My daughters wolves whimpered and moved from their protective stances and complied. They followed her with my daughter out to the ambulance. They hopped in and the other medical people looked frightened but settled down once they realized they meant no harm. I climbed into my car and followed them as they took off.

Please be okay...

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