12: Hope You Don't See Me Blush, But I Can't Help But Want You More

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Hey, hope you like this one. I like it...hahaha jokes thats up myself. But dont forget to comment and vote and like and fan and read

Love, fan, vote, read...no haterzz.

*Also, there seems to be a little debacle over Jesse's not knowing Bethany's name so I just wanted to clear it up so I've edited it and hopefully, it makes more sense now. Thanks to those for bringing it to my attentionnnnn <3 *



Bethany’s P.O.V

I stare out onto Santa Monica beach, the waves are lapping against the shore, creating that familiar whooshing sound as the salty water smashes lazily against the pale yellow-white sand. The orange sun sets over the water, making a golden ball reflect off the deep, dark sea.

My eyelids slowly droop as I watch the waves and the sun setting into the golden horizon.

Despite it being five o’clock, people still lie sunbathing under parasols, walking along the waterline with their dogs running meters in front of them and young children splash about in the water as their parents watch cautiously from the shore, holding onto their hats as the gentle, warm breeze tosses hair over shiny sunburnt shoulders.

I dig my toes into the soft, warm sand and stare out into the lonely yet placid painting of the ocean in front of me, relaxing into the warm of the radiating sun.

I pull out my copy of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix from my white bag and I turn to my page, rubbing the slightly bumpy pages between my thumb and index finger as I search for my page.

My eyes scan over the pages, every time I go to turn the page, I pull the piece of fragile paper  and carefully fold it, making sure it doesn’t rip. I take in each tiny piece of detail and feeling more and more lost in my solitary, individual world until...

My cell phone buzzes and I jump out of my mellow mood.

I look around curiously, and slightly in shock. The ocean is just beginning to swallow the glowing orb up, inch by inch, casting a corridor of the final rays of late afternoon sun across the wind perturbed face of the dark ocean.

Hey, remember me? It’s Jesse Phoenix :) how’ve you been? Please reply. XX J

I click my jaw and I re-read the MMS. What does two X’s mean? I remember Pilar told me about the “Code of Kisses” when it comes to boy and girl interaction.

No X = don’t care

X = Friends

XX = Maybe... ;)

XXX = Chemistry

XXXX = I think your cute

XXXXX = I like you

XXXXXX = I really like you

I <3 U = I love you.

Or...well, I think that’s how it goes.

‘No...Bethany.' I actually say it out loud, and force myself to switch the phone onto the airplane mode function so I could completely avoid texting him back. I let it slide from my fingers, and it lands with a dull thunk into the sand. Grumbling, I pick it up and toss it into my bag. I really did not want to get caught up with some silly day-dream. I am not interested.

I am not interested...

...I am really, really not interested in Jesse Phoenix.

The light catches the sand as it sprinkles to the ground when I stand, and I pick up my bag and towel, and slide Harry Potter back into it.  Wincing, I walk off towards home by myself in the dark thinking about Jesse’s text all the way home.

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