32: I'm Falling To Pieces

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Hey guys. I know, its been a while but for the next few weeks, I'll be busier than ever...I'm sowwie...I've been so busy with things and right now, it's hard to even concentrate on my own dilemmas. You know you're going crazy when you can't even hear your own thoughts...yeah, well that's me. So expect another upload in at least about a week or so. Soorrryyy and know that I love all of you who have stuck with me all this way <3


P.s. I loved writing the end of this :D Its funny :DD let me know what you think by clicking the orange button with "vote" on it and commenting below <3


Bethany’s P.O.V

I drop the cell phone on my bed and I burst into tears. I curl up in my bed in a ball and sob into the duvet. What is wrong with me?! I’m such a bitch!

I’m horrible to Jesse! He thinks we can do this but I just had to go in there and change everything. Was I considering ending the relationship? Yes. It is too hard and especially now that I have a “thing” with Alex. Jesse’s too far away.

Tears create a wet patch on my duvet as I sob. Jesse is the only thing I need. I pick up my cell phone and unlock it, looking at the screen. It’s of Jesse.

He’s standing there sideways, his familiar smirk and dimple popping. His brilliant green eyes flash lovingly and vibrantly into mine. His light caramel hair is flicked into a side-sweep. His long, black eyelashes encaging his moss green eyes.

I stand next to him, facing him, his lips are pressed against my forehead in the smirk, his hand holds mine down my our hearts pressed together. I must have blinked the second the picture was taken because my eyes are closed.

Tears leak down my face and I jump as I receive a text message.

Sorry, honey. But that should teach you a lesson not to steal other peoples toys.

It is an unknown number. I text them back.

Who are you??

I sniff, unable to cry anymore and I stare out the window. Why had I told him I needed a break? Why? I don’t need a break, if anything, I need him here with me right now. But I know that’s not going to happen.

My cell phone starts to ring, My Heart blearing all around my room. I pick up.

‘To answer your question, Bethany. I’m just a girl reclaiming what’s originally hers.’ A female voice says, icily.

‘W-what?’ I respond, my nose all blocked and runny.

‘I tried to warn you before. I told you to back off from Jesse and me or you’d get hurt but you and your silly little ego didn’t listen. I told you, he is mine but you didn’t listen. Stay away from Jesse. Lay as much as a finger on him and you and your stupid florist of a Mom will be hurt,’ she says and before I could argue, she hangs up.

I collapse on my bed, wishing I’d never met Jesse in the first place.


A sharp BANG erupts my from my gentle sleep. Slits of sunlight cause me to open my eyes and I snuggle back down into the warmth of my bed. Only I can’t move. Someone’s bare arms are tightly wrapped around my waist, squishing me against their hard rock abs. At first I muffle the urge to scream at the fact that there is a stranger sleeping with me. I swivel my head around and sigh with relief as I notice it’s only Jesse.

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