11: The Money, Fame And Fortune Never Could Compete

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Hehe, ok i am impressed because this story got up a hundred views in 24 hours and i was like yaaaaaaayyyyy I love you.

Thankkkk yyoooouuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

XX Luce


I flick a pen around in my hand, absent-mindedly, my focus completely in another galaxy from where I am at a Conference Table, discussing a tour of Europe in which I am to do in August.

‘We’re going to start in Verona which is in Italy.’ Dan says, sitting to my right. Of course, I am at the head of the table because I am just that cool.

Nah, it’s because we’re discussing one very important subject...ME!

‘Isn’t that where Juliet’s balcony is?’ Meg blurts out and I nod slowly.

‘Yup,’ I say.

‘Then after we have three days in Verona, we go straight Paris for two concerts and then we have a photo shoot for the Cosmopolitan, Madrid and then we arrive in London for the...’ Dan checks his notes. ‘...twenty-first of July and we are doing a photo shoot there for HELLO! before doing three concerts there. Then we’ll go to Amsterdam, do three concerts...’ He checks his notes again. ‘...and we’ll go to Berlin, and Moscow and lastly...Saint Petersburg,’ He finishes off.

‘Question,’ I say.

‘Ask away,’ Dan replies.

‘Why aren’t we playing in more than one city per country aside Russia?’

‘No time,’ Dan says and Mom’s eyebrows perk.

‘How long is this tour going to take?’ She asks.

One of the co-ordinators flips through their notes and speaks up. ‘All in all...it will take six weeks,’

‘Meh,’ I shrug.

‘Six weeks of being tutored and jet setting around the world with people in suits and earpieces? You’re kidding?’ Meg blurts.

‘Yes...’ Dan says.

I groan. ‘I hate tutoring. Can’t I just go to normal school like a normal kid?’

‘You’re not a normal kid, Jess-man.’ Dan says. ‘You’re a superstar.’

I roll my eyes, thinking back to how many times Dan has said that to me. Yeah, I know I am a superstar but still...that’s a little derogatory to normal kids. I mean, I don’t want to feel different from normal kids. I wanna be like them.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my career. I love the fame, the fortune and the fans but still...just for one day, I’d kill just to feel normal.

To go to school and all you have to worry about is the Geometry test the next day...or taking your dog for a walk to the park without all the screaming and every person on the world knowing who you are and what you are.

Dan almost treats it like a class divide. We are the higher class and they are the lower class. It’s not right. Everyone is the same and we all deserve to be treated the same.

We’re humans, for God’s sake.

‘Jesse?!’ Dad says sharply.

‘Yes?’ I snap quickly, looking around frantically, bringing myself back down to earth.

‘Can you sign here?’

I look down at the eight identical forms in front of me, but each labelled differently: Verona, Madrid, Paris, London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Moscow and Saint Petersburg.

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