19: The Jury's Out, But My Choice Is You

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Hey yall. So, I'm going back to Hogwarts today so if I don't upload, just understand that Prof. McGonagall gives a lot of homework. SHe's probably gonna ask me to do something ridiculous like turn a cup coaster into a ferret or something.

Dedicating this to Para-Stackian3 who votes every time and she is like my wattpad biffle. xxxx

Anyway, hope you enjoy, sorry if its shorter than usual.

Vote, comment, fan, add to library. xx 


Something extremely loud blows in my ear and I jump and abruptly snap in a sitting position, scrutinizing the room.

My brother, Teddy sits there with a blue plastic horn with the American flag taped to it sticking out of his mouth, a red, white and blue striped hat, coated with glitter and still wearing his red and blue racing car pajamas.

‘W-what?’ I mumble, drowsily, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

‘Happy Independence Day!’ Teddy yells through the horn, giving it a loud blow again. I cover my ears in agony and groan.

‘It’s the Fourth of July, sister, get up! Mom’s making the Big Breakfast!’ Teddy yells again, jumping up from his seat on my feet and jumping up and down, making the bed wobble.

I pull the pillow out from under my head, desperate for just an itch more sleep until Teddy yanks it out from under my head and starts whacking the back of my head with it.

‘Oww! Stop, OK, I’m getting out!’ I groan, my body jumping up and down with the bed.

‘There’s a good girl. Now, come on!’ Teddy exclaims, excitedly, jumping off the bed and streaking out of the room.

I groan inwardly and pull the pillow back under my head, closing my eyes silently and listening to the sound of the eight o’clock birds chirping noisily outside my windows.

‘Get up, Bethany!’ Teddy yells from the staircase and I slide out of bed and make my way to the stairs, rubbing my eyes and bumping into my bedroom door as I went.

Teddy’s feet thump their way down the stairs and I slump after him, letting the smell of bacon, eggs, sausages, toast, sundried tomatoes and hash-browns fill my nostrils.

I walk into the kitchen and pause as I get to the door, my jaw dropping.

‘What are you doing here?’ I demand, my face growing red hot with anger.

‘Hey, honey!’ my Dad says, swallowing some of the food in his mouth before standing up and making his way to me. I notice her as well. My Dad’s Brazilian new wife. She sits there in a tight fitting red dress showing off her curves and sipping gently at a cup of decaf coffee, her thick brown hair falling in waves down her back and her face heavily layered with make-up.

Dad opens his arms wide, expecting me to walk into his arms. ‘Do I get a hug?’ he asks.

‘No.’ I reply, rolling my eyes and ducking under his arm, walking over to my Mom who stands at the kitchen stove flipping hash-browns, eight per second or some crazy time like that.

‘Why are they here?’ I ask, pointedly.

‘Your father and Gloria are here to spend Independence Day with us.’ Mom says, smiling but I can tell the smile is a lie. She doesn’t want them here anymore than I do.

Mom serves up a plate of an egg, a few circles of bacon, and a slice of toast with honey on it and hands it to me.

‘Thanks,’ I mumble and I slump over to the kitchen table where my Father and his wife sit talking to Teddy.

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