28: You Think The Worst Is A Broken Heart

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Hey all, so this is a new chapter of TMYLM. I'm uploading now because I can't upload on Sunday.

Hey, did you know, I did the math on the word document and I converted the pages to book sized pages. The whole story adds up to 592 pages :D How cool is that???

PLUS, there are two parts to this chapter but I split it in half because it didn't really have enough cliffhangerness in it ;) I love my cliff hangers




‘Beth, get up!’ I hear someone squeal. I groan and roll over, pulling the white pillow over my head to block out the squealing of a person I knew too well. Pilar jumps on the bed and starts bashing my back with a pillow.

‘Geddorf!’ I groan, my voice muffled through the pillow. I feel my back being repeatedly bashed.

‘Happy birthday!’ she yells.

‘Itsnot mybirfday!’ I mumble, stretching my feet out.

‘Yeah, it is!’ She squeals and half a minute later, I feel the covers being stripped off of me, exposing me to the cold air of my bedroom. Pilar continues to bash me to death.

‘OK! OK! I’m up!’ I cry, half laughing, half annoyed. Pilar settles down and bounces down next to me, and although she is thin and petite, she shakes the bed as she plops down next to me. Her pale blonde hair is all shaggy in a messed up pony-tail. She wears a pale pink, cotton singlet and cotton long pajamas with cows on them. Pilar loves cows. Her username on pretty much everything is Dachocolatemoocow.

‘Happy birthday! You’re now officially one year until a legal adult!’ she cries out, hugging me. I rub my left eye with the back of my hand and look around, thickly.

‘Is it my birthday?’ I mumble.

‘Ah, Buddha. How could you forget when your birthday is?’ she says, flicking my forehead.

‘I...I’ve got more important things to worry about than the annual celebration,’ I mumble, still half asleep. I flop back down on my back onto the mattress and I rub my face in my hands. ‘Like sleep,’ I add in, half hopeful Pilar would leave me alone.

‘Don’t make me “pillow” you again,’ she threatens and through the gaps of my fingers, I see her hold up a pale pink pillow.

The door suddenly bursts open and I groan as Mom and Teddy waltz in. Mom has arms full of presents and she dumps them on the end of my bed.

‘Happy birthday, Bethie!’ Mom squeals, sounding like a teenage girl again.

‘Happy birthday, sister.’ Teddy says, sitting on my bed and taking one of the presents. I groan.

‘Can I go back to bed?’ I ask.

‘Don’t be anti-social.’ Mom scolds.

‘I’m not...its seven-thirty on a Sunday and I want to sleep in,’ I mumble. ‘Plus, it’s my birthday.’  I add in, hinting that Mom and the rest would just leave me to the liberty of my bed.

Mom pulls me into a sitting position and gives me a hug. ‘Happy birthday, darling,’ she says.

‘Thanks,’ I reply and I pull away from my Mom. A huge smile hugs the corners of her mouth. A bang echoes around the room, breaking the silence. Mom, Pilar and I look over at Teddy who stares back with a sheepish grin, picking up the hard, plastic present from the wooden floor.

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