13: I Just Haven't Met You Yet

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 I really like this song. I love Michael Buble. Or Michael Bubble. >:) whichever

Anyhoo, I've really come to like this story, I hope you have too.

xx Luce


Jesse's P.O.V

Beep, beep...

Someone groans and a rustle of sheets pulls me away from my unconscious mode.

Beep, beep...

A light flicks on and I look to my left to the twin single bed where Josh sits up, rubbing his eyes wearily, his hair all pressed to one side and his eyes in tired slits.

Beep, beep...

‘Jesse! Turnidowf,!’ Josh groans.

I slide up into a tired sitting position, leaning up against the wall and I grab at the iPhone which bleeps noisily from the bedside table.

My hand finds the stupid phone and I click the center button.

“New message from 'Concert Girl'”

‘Whozit?’ Josh says, still thick with tiredness and sleep. ‘...and wadda they want?’

It takes me a second to process before the excitment kicks in and my stomach surges. My hands shake as my thumbs quickly tab in the code to my iPhone.

‘Dude! It’s her! The concert girl! She texted me back,’ I give a thick laugh. ‘You owe me a Ben Franklin,’

‘What the fuck is she doing texting at two in the morning??’ Josh complains.

I laugh haughtily and I open the text message.


‘Ha,’ I snort and I reply.

So detailed, huh. Its two a.m., cutie

‘Well, what’d she want?’

‘She said... “Hi”,’

‘Fuck...! Man, she woke us up at two in the morning to say “Hi”? Dude, I hate her already,’

I poke my tongue out at him and watch my phone carefully, waiting for her to reply.

‘Actually, it says she sent the message a while ago but it only just came through,’

Josh groans.

‘Can I go back to sleep?’ Josh whines, plonking back onto  and the bed, making the sheets rustle together noisily, and rubbing his face with his hands.

‘Yeah...kay?’ I say, giving him a strange look.

He just groans again and pulls the covers over his head. I grin at the screen on my phone. I knew she would text. I knew it! She seemed to nice not to text back .I knew it. I could sense something amazing happening.

Beep, beep...

‘Ah SHUT IT UP!’ Josh moans.

I flick open, finding she send an MMS instead of SMS, which on my iPhone, seems to be faster.

Sorry. :/ but you asked me to text back.

Yeah, I did. :) lol, my friend is pretty pissed. I click send and I turn the phone on silent.

‘Now, how about turning the light off?’ Josh asks. I roll my eyes again and flick the lights off and I hear Josh sigh in contentment.

I slide back down into the bed, clutching my phone, still grinning.

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