36: Right Here, Right Now...

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  • Dedicated to You, if you have stuck with Beth and Jesse until the end.

Hey, sorry its so short but its pretty juicy. It's the last chapter :( sad face. But..I'll probably do an epilogue or something. <3 I love Jesse and Beth. they're a pretty cute couple, don't u think?

Oh well, I hope you enjoyed Tell Me You Love Me and don't forget to vote. I love you all <3 <3 <3 Sorry about the cheesy song but I think it kind of fits at the end part. Hehehe Right here, right now from High School Musical 3 which I know one of my friends would be pumped about because she loves Zac Efron. 

Don't forget to vote and comment <3 Looooovvveeeeeeee Yoooouuuu alllllll

Bethany’s P.O.V

‘Paris?’ Jesse says as he wraps an arm around my waist and draws me closer to him.

‘I said, get away from him.’ Pairs cries, storming up to me and stamping her foot.

‘Paris, we’re not together. How many times do I have to tell you?!’ Jesse groans, pinching his nose.

‘You bitch! Look what you’ve done! Jesse and I were perfectly happy before you had to come into our lives and completely ruin our perfect relationship! This is YOUR fault!’ She cries.

‘I...’ I fumble over words but Paris interrupts me.

‘Did she tell you about Alex?! Did she tell you that they made out numerous times while you were gone?! No! She lied to you! She lied!’ Paris spits.

I feet Jesse go rigid beside me but he only wraps his arm around me tighter, as though protecting me from Paris’s nasty words.

‘Paris! I’m sick of your attitude towards me! I have done nothing wrong at all and I can’t help the fact that you are jealous of Jesse’s relationship with me. Yes, we had to struggle through a long time apart! Yes, we had a few hiccups along the way! And being completely honest, Yes, I did kiss Alex but that doesn’t change anything between us.’ I yell, finally blurting out the words that had been holding me back for a long time.

Paris’s sneer doesn’t wipe from her face.

‘So you admit that you kissed Alex?’ She smirks.

‘I admitted it ages ago,’ I reply.

‘See! She cheated on you and you didn’t even know,’

I unwrap Jesse’s arms from around me and step away. Jesse’s face is tense and hard as he stares at Paris who was looking at both Jesse and I with a wildly angry expression on her face.

‘I’m sorry, Jesse. I had been so alone and unloved for so many months and ...well, when you sent that text message before about you being with Paris, I was distraught.’ I say slowly, feeling my eyes prick with tears.

‘What text message? I never sent you a text message saying that I was with Paris.’ He says, puzzlement carving his beautiful face.

I pull my phone out from my pocket and flip through the text messages, finding his one. I notice Paris suddenly became rigid and awkward.

‘I’m with Paris now. I Don’t need you anymore. Famous people & non famous people don’t mix, go away & stay away & do not reply to this message.’ I translate the message that Jesse had sent me from text-language to English.

‘What?! I never sent that...’ Jesse cries, his voice breaking.

‘Well, it came from your caller ID,’ I snap, feeling my anger rise slowly in my chest. If Jesse hadn’t sent it, then...who had?

Realization flashes over both Jesse and my face and our heads snap to Paris who stands there, looking mortified.

‘You sent this?! Why would you DO that?!’ Jesse yells at Paris, storming up to her with steam screaming out of his ears.

I run after Jesse, gripping his strong arm and pulling him away from Paris who had burst into tears.

‘BECAUSE! You two don’t belong together! I tried to warn you! I tried to warn you about Jesse and I but, no. You had to get in the way! You started it! I only finished what you started!’ She screamed.

‘You’ve been trying to split us up since the very beginning Paris. But can I tell you something. You can try to tear us down all you want, but we’ll always have something you will never ever have or feel. And that’s true love,’ Jesse says

Paris opens her mouth to say something, blinking several times before screeching and storming off out of the church and into the rain.

I watch her storm off into the distance. I just got rid of her.

I felt something warm slip into my hand and I look down. Jesse’s hand enveloped mine. I stare into his beautiful green eyes with the golden flakes and I wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me into a soft and slow kiss.

I pull away and Jesse tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

‘I love you, no matter what happens,’ he whispers, kissing my cheek.

‘I love you too. More than anything in this world,’

‘Not as much as I do.’ He whispers and pulled me into another kiss.


I slip into bed and pull the covers right up to my chin, feeling the coolness of the sheets scratch against me. I nestle my cheek into the pillow and sigh deeply.

Jesse was finally back. Paris was gone. I was finally happy.

I sigh contently once more, only to be interrupted by a bleeping of my cell phone from my bedside table.

I reach a hand out from inside the bed and pulled my cell phone from the table and above my head.

I open the text message: Be ready by quarter to twelve. Wear warm clothes. Xoxoxox. J

I sigh. Had I only just gotten into my pyjamas and now Jesse is asking me to get dressed. It was twenty to twelve at night and he was asking me to get out of bed?

I pulled myself out of bed and got dressed in a white dress and a cream coloured cardigan. I pull my hair up into a messy ponytail when I hear the sound of a pebble whacking the glass window pane and I grin to myself.

I fled to the window and threw it open.

‘You’re going to break that window one day and Mom’s not going to know what’s happened to it,’ I state.

Jesse just grins sheepishly at me. ‘Come on, Princess, I don’t wanna be late.’

I wince at his corny nickname but nonetheless, I slip out of the window and land softly beside Jesse who stands there in a blue and white checked shirt, black skinny jeans and his signature yellow basketball shoes with the golden “JP” on them.

Before I could say anything else, he’d grabbed me by the hand and pulled me down to the gate and out into the night sky, running as fast as he could towards the Pier.

I stood next to Jesse on the Pier. There weren’t many people there, just a few couples holding hands; the exact same idea that Jesse had.

Jesse lead me to the Ferris Wheel and I hesitantly got into the shaking machine after him.

Gripping his hand, the Ferris Wheel began to move, slowly. That’s when I heard it.

A loud boom echoes through the sky, but it wasn’t frightening. It was a memorable sound that reminded me of the first time Jesse and I kissed, right under the stars and the fireworks. I glance over my shoulder and gasp in amazement at the beautiful night sky, filled with glittering fireworks of different colours and shapes.

‘It’s so beautiful,’ I whispered.

‘You’re so beautiful,’

Jesse leant down, and just like he had those few months ago when we’d first met, he kissed me.

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