15: When Beauty Met The Beast, He Froze

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Sorry, this one is seriously long but its because I'm probably not going to upload this for a couple of days or so. ANyway, hope all is well with yall.

P.s. listen to this song, it's my absolute favorite song in the entire universe. Deer in the Headlights by Owl City!!! WATCH IT, LISTEN TO IT, SING IT, MOAN IT, EAT TO IT, DANCE TO IT, SMILE TO IT!!!

Bisous, Luce


‘Are you sure you wanna do this?’ Jesse calls from beside me.

‘No!’ I cry, my hands covering my eyes and my stomach twisting in all sorts of nervous knots.

‘Aw...come on, angel. It’s not that bad.’ Jesse laughs.

‘This is inhumane torture!’ I shout, shuffling about in the red plastic chair. ‘Why am I doing this. Dear God, please let there be some sort of technical function that will make us all come down the emergency stairs in the middle so we won’t have to fall!’ I pray, loudly.

I feel Jesse’s hand tighten around my skinny wrist. ‘Come on, angel, I’ll let you hold my hand?’

Who does he think he is? Why on earth would I want to hold his hand?

‘What makes you think I’d want to hold your hand?’ I mumble through my own hands and feeling awkward as my feet dangle weightlessly over the edge of the seat and into mid-air.

My stomach gives an uncanny, freaked-out groan.

‘Aww, Beth, are you seriously scared?’ Jesse says, still putting on his mock-sympathy voice. I know he’s probably smirking, but I don’t care. I have more important things to worry about.

‘Scared!’ I give a high pitched laugh and then turn in my seat to face Jesse, dropping my hands and looking at him in his green, alluring eyes. ‘It’s an 85 meter drop and yet here we are at the top of the 85 meters and you’re asking me if I am scared!’ I cry, speaking very quickly as Jesse’s large smirk drops and he looks at me, taken back.

‘OK...wanna hold my hand, though?’ He asks.

‘Most definitely not.’ I say, simply, swivelling back around in my seat and gapping in horror. My face pales as I look below. 85 Meters. People as small as ants, buildings as small as doll-houses. My fingers and feet go all sweaty and I gulp feeling my stomach lurch again.

I look to my left. A red haired girl stares ahead with the same dreaded, greeny-white pale look on her face as me while her friend to the other side of her bounces excitedly in her seat babbling on about how fun it is and how she’s been on it twice.

‘...Did you know...’ She tells the redheaded girl. ‘...it goes up to 100 miles per hour?! It’s gonna be amazing!’

I look over at Jesse, feeling a small layer of sweat build up on my upper lip. He doesn’t look nervous. He just sits there, beaming down at the world below. He notices me looking at him and he turns his head and props his sunglasses on top of his Boston Red Socks hat.

‘Jesse...’ I say, quietly.

‘Mhmm?’ He says, his smirk widening as he can tell what I’m about to ask.

‘C-can...I hold y-your h-hand?’ I stutter, my teeth starting to chatter – not because I am cold, but because the butterflies in my stomach are flying around in pure terror.

Jesse’s smirk softens into a small but polite smile and he reaches over and takes my hand cold, sweaty hand in his warm, soft one.

‘Ready to have the ride of your life?!’ I loud voice booms over the roller coaster. My eyes widen with terror and I could tell Jesse notices as his thumb strokes my hand so gently, making me strangely somehow reassured.

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