Chapter 8- The Merry Winter

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She was there. She was standing in front of me. Her eyes were so different from the rest of the people that have seen me. Others would have fear in their eyes. Fear of my cursed face; fear of the monster that I was. But she was different. Her big expressive brown eyes reflected only one thing, and that was pity. How could she have pitied me? I wasn't worth of her presence, I knew it from the bottom of my heart. But it was maybe because she didn't actually see my deformed face.

That night was dark, not even the moon illuminated the night sky. She asked me to give her my hand. I reached towards her through the iron bars and she put her small, delicate hand into my bony and scarred one. When she touched me I felt that I escaped into an another world. A world of happiness and joy. I started crying. I have never deserved such beauty, and that beauty has brought me to tears for the first time.

Realizing how wrong and rotten I was compared to this angel, I pulled away my hand. She then told me that she must go to her father, because he was sick. I wished her goodnight and she closed the curtain wishing me good dreams. All of my dreams were nightmares, as far as I remember, but that night I dreamt about my angel Christine and she brought to me the most beautiful dream....



Papa has been so sick for the past three months. It has been a hard time for me, but my savior in these months was Erik. We met each other everyday and we talk about different things and we sing together.

It was a cold winter day and it was near Christmas. Papa had only gotten worse, but I took care of him. He was always smiling, but I knew he was hurting inside. Then Christmas Eve came really fast and I had a gift for both papa and Erik. For papa, I got a little music box which played a soft melody. For Erik, I have sewn a small monkey with a red hat, and in the gypsy camp, I found a pair of little cymbals. I gave them to the monkey and wrapped it into colorful wrapping paper.

And each evening, I wandered into the night to meet Erik. I knocked onto the bars behind the curtain, as I do each evening, and waited for his response..


I was excited to see Christine each night. Altough I was being beaten, but I had someone who I could be excited to come each evening. It has been snowing for about a month, so Christine was bringing me a warm blanket and a cup of tea. I was so happy to have her. She would bring me joy every night, a joy that was my meaning to live. She was the meaning of my life.

I suddenly heard a knock on the bars. I responded to her by singing a few notes from her favorite song about the angel of music. She then unwinded the curtain a bit and she handed me my blanket and my cup of tea. But with it, I recieved one more item. It was a small present wrapped in colorful paper. "Merry Christmas, Erik." she whispered, smiling, her cheeks blushing from being in the cold for too long.

"Christine, I know it is weird to ask, but what is Christmas?"

She giggled and started explaining. "It's a holiday that happens just once a year, and it is today. People give each other presents to show how precious they are to us."

I pulled the little ribbon which was securing the bundle and the paper fell onto my crossed legs. In my hands remained a little stuffed monkey with a red hat and cymbals. "Ch-Christine..." my voice trembled at such kindness. "I don't know what to say. You're the kindest person in the world. I don't know how I can repay you."

"You don't have to. You already repay me with your presence."

My heart stopped. I started crying once again. I was being loved by someone.

"Don't cry Erik. Please." Christine said reaching into my caravan with her hand. I reached for it, and we touched as always and we said our goodbye for that evening.

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