Chapter 4- The One Who Doesn't Belong Here

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I opened my eyes. I was here again, in the dark caravan in which I was locked for the past three years. It was always dark because during the day there was a curtain over the black painted iron bars. It was only removed at night, when I was put on display. People would throw food and spit at me. They would spit at the monster that I was. No one would show me any compassion. Not even my own father. He would lock me up in the cellar and beat me every day.

The only kind person I ever met was my mother. She would always sing me lullabies and try to bring me at least a piece of light to this gloomy world. Although she was the most caring person in the world, she was also beaten up by my father and would suffer the same pain that I suffered. She was killed by my father when I was six. Two years after that, I was sold to the gypsy fair. I became the monster, the Devil's child whom everyone hated and wanted to get rid of. The gypsy master would beat me with his whip, which would leave bloody wounds all over my skeletal body.My face frightened everyone, my hollow golden eyes planted the seeds of fear in their hearts. I was the nightmare which came alive from their dreams. Each night after the show, when everything went silent was the same: cold tears of pain would roll down my one normal and one distorted cheek. No one could save me now.

Yet, in the moonlight, I saw a hope that might have been mine. Oh, what am I thinking? Monsters have no hope. Especially monsters like me, that are not supposed to be here.

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