Chapter 25- Christmas is Coming

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(Erik's POV)

I woke up to small soft stomps on my stomach. When I opened my eyes, Aeisha was there, trying to curl herself into a ball of fuzz and sleep on me. I didn't want her to think that the bed was also her bed, but I didn't want to make the furry animal hate me for denying her sleep. So, I remained still, watching the kitten curled up on me, snoring silently.

A week ago, I brought the kitten here, and it immediately befriended Christine. Christine gave the little feline food and gave the kitten whatever was on it's eyes. Aeisha grew very fast and was a very curious animal. She tried to sneak her paws or her little black nose into everything in my lair from the drawers to my music sheets. "As I like to say, curiosity will kill this cat." I stated for about million times this past week. And it will definitely be true.

Aeisha suddenly started stretching in my lap and she opened her green curious eyes. She looked at me and meowed. I smiled slightly and took her into my embrace. She happily purred and got out a few squeaks, which were her failed attempts of meowing. I gently scratched her under her chin and she started wiggling her tail. And I must say, that tail looks as if it has a life of it's own. 

"Erik! I'm here!" I heard Christine call from the lair. 

"I'll be right there, Angel!" I called back and put Aeisha on the floor. I quickly got up and ran to my angel with Aeisha following me. When I entered the room, I saw Christine with a red garland around her neck and going down her shoulders just like a scarf, surrounded with various things like boxes, sacks, a big basket and a pot with a giant red flower. Aeisha found the flower to her liking right away and stuck her small pointy teeth into one of it's petals. Christine was grinning like a walnut and her eyes were shining with happiness. "What are these things for?" I asked, pointing to the bags. 

"Those are our Christmas decorations that I bought today." She said, laying one of the boxes on the table and opening it, revealing a set of red decorations. "Will you help me decorate it here?" She asked smiling. I didn't like it when someone tried to change something about my home, but I would do anything for my angel. 

"Of course I will." I said pulling out the different boxes of decorations, helping my angel.

After three hours, we were finally finished. The lair got an even more comfortable feeling to it as it had before and it was smelling of gingerbread and cinnamon, for Christine also brought along different cookies she has made with her friend Meg. Now, it truly felt like home. I fell down on the sofa, exhausted from the decorating. Christine sat down right next to me, the garland still around her neck, and removed my mask. She gave me a kiss and a hug. "Oh how I love you..." She whispered. 

"I know my angel. And I love you just as much."

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