Chapter 1- When He Was here

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My papa and I used to travel a lot when I was little. My papa would play the violin in every town we came to and we got a place to sleep for the night and food in exchange. I loved traveling. It was all full of adventure and I loved to visit new places. Especially places that were warm. In Sweden,where I was born, it was always cold and gloomy. Only a few days of the year were warm and sunny. On those days, I would run to a meadow near our little cottage and would lie in the colorful flowers and watch the blue sky.

When we started traveling I was sad at first, but I soon got used to it. Papa would play on his violin at fairs and I would play with the children from the city. One day I wanted to sing while my dad was playing, so I asked him and he allowed me to sing in front of his audience. The people really liked what I sang and loudly applauded me.

Except for one person.

It was a little boy, just a few years older than me. He was staring at me with his blue eyes and was amazed by me. That has never happened to me before. Suddenly, I then  noticed that I was staring right at him. I nervously blushed and turned to my papa who gave me a hug. We went to our hotel room to sleep. "You sang like an angel, sweetie." Papa said.

"Thank you so much, papa!" I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Someone suddenly knocked on the door. I went to open the door. There, I saw a pretty lady all in brown with a big hat that had feathers on it. Behind her, there was standing the boy from the audience and he was hiding behind her skirt. "You must be little miss Daaé, right?" The woman started off. "We have seen your performance and little Vicomte here wanted to visit you. Where is your daddy, little one?"

"There..." I pointed into the room, still a little ashamed of the Vicomte and what I thought to be his mother. The lady stepped in followed by the Vicomte who was still hiding from me.

"Mr.Daaé?" The woman asked my papa.

"Yes, nice to meet you." Papa said and shook hands with the woman.

"My name is Susane Toureè. I work as a governess for the family De Chagny for about 5 years. We were visiting this town,when we heard that someone is going to play the violin here, so we went to see you and we were enchanted by your daughter's angelic voice. The little Vicomte wanted to visit her badly, so we came here." Then the lady came to me and asked me: "What's your name sweetie?"

"Christine." I said, a little ashamed.

"And this is Raoul, he wanted to visit you. Raoul, come..." The governess stopped in the middle of her sentence. The little boy disappeared somewhere. She was looking around the room. The Vicomte was staring at papa's violin.

I came to him and said, "I'm Christine. You're Raoul, right?"

"Yes. I wanted to visit you. You sang beautifully and I was quite lonely here. Would you like to play with me?" He asked.

My papa came from the behind and said, "Maybe tommorow. What if I told you a story?"

"That would be great! Please tell us the one about the angel of music!" I said.

"Alright." Papa said "Once upon a time..."

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