Chapter 24- The First Advent Day

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(Christine's POV)

Two months later

I woke up in the swan bed, which has become my favorite bed in the past few months. Erik was laying right next to me, his eyes still shut. He had a small soft smile on his face, which was as much of an obscurity for him as to see him sleep. I smiled and traced his deformed cheek with my finger. I carefully sneaked out of bed, so I wouldn't wake him up and I tiptoed to my closet. I slowly opened the wardrobe door and snatched a dress for me to wear. I then carefully tiptoed into the small kitchen and started making some pancakes. I suddenly realized what day it was. I ran to the bedroom in excitement and shook Erik awake. 

"Erik!" I screamed. He opened his golden eyes and gave me a welcoming but a bit surprised and sleepy look. 

"Christine, please don't scream. You could damage your vocal chords. Now, what is so important that you had to wake me up in such a manner, Angel?" He asked me still sounding a little sleepy.

"It's the first of December!" I replied squealing. 

"And...?" Erik asked. It then struck me. Erik didn't know anything at all about Christmas, except for the few Christmases he has spent with me while at the gypsy fair. 

"Oh Erik I am so sorry." I apologized, hugging him tightly. 

"About what?" He asked innocently. 

" You know nothing about Christmas. The only few Christmases you ever had were those back in the gypsy camp, where I gave you this little fellow." I pointed to the little monkey. I hugged him and we remained in the hugging position for quite a while, until I got a brilliant idea. "You know what? I'm going to teach you everything I know about Christmas!" I suddenly smelled something burning. And that something must have been my pancakes. I ran away, humming a Christmas carol to myself.

(Erik's POV)
I didn't know how to celebrate Christmas at all. My only Christmases so far were the ones with Christine in the gypsy camp. I spent them closed behind bars. I wanted to know what to do to celebrate this holiday properly, like any other person would, so I could make my Christine happy. I stood up and heard my beautiful songbird singing to herself: "On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me a partridge in a pear tree."

That was it! I loved her and it was the first December day, so I had to give her a partridge in a pear tree, just as she sang. I did wonder a bit if it was only a silly song, that was used to be sung at this time of the year, or a real life tradition. But the second option won it for me. I immediately ran out of my room and grabbed my cloak, so could go and buy my Angel the gift. 

Soon, I realized that it would be the most difficult task to find a pear tree during winter, so I had to improvise. I finally bought her a tiny fir tree in a pot and looked at the outcome of my search. It wasn't a pear tree in the slightest, but it still was a tree. Tiny, but a tree. I had absolutely no way of getting to find a partridge, never having seen one myself.

I took a shortcut through a narrow alley, so I could be with my angel sooner. As I went through the alley, I heard quiet meowing. I followed the sound and found a tiny Siamese kitten in the snow. It had mostly white fur, with dark brown marks on it's ears, paws and the tip of it's tail. This little fellow couldn't have had more then ten days and it's eyes were already open. I took the tiny kitten in my hands and looked at the poor little thing. 

"I can't leave you here little one." I told the kitten and scratched it behind it's tiny ears. "I'm going to take you with me." I talked with the little cat and put it in my pocket. It fit perfectly into it. I ran as fast and careful to my lair as I could and when I arrived, I found Christine preparing dinner. She gave me a smile and questionably looked at the fir tree in my hands. "I'm sorry Christine, I couldn't get a pear tree. But I at least got you this little one." 

"Erik, you heard me sing Christmas carols in the morning, didn't you?" I slowly nodded. "You little cookoo head! They're not to be taken seriously!" She said with a smile and she kissed me. "But this fir tree will actually be useful. You see," she started explaining, "on Christmas Eve, you're supposed to have a decorated fir tree, so that you will get presents." She explained this with such a smile on her lips, like this was the best thing in the world. The kitten suddenly meowed in my pocket and Christine looked in the direction of the sound. I pulled out the kitten and Christine squealed. 

"Oh my gosh, Erik! Where did you find this cutie?" 

"On the street. I actually saved it's life." Christine took the kitten into her embrace and it started purring. "What should we name her?" Christine asked, handing the kitten lady a small ball of yarn she had laying around, for she was knitting scarves and gloves for the past two days. 

"I don't know." I honestly didn't know how to name the tiny kitten. "I guess I will leave it to you, since you seem to have taken an immediate liking to her." 

"What about Aeisha? I always liked that name." Christine suggested. 

"Then Aeisha it is." I put my hands on my angel's shoulders and gave her a soft kiss. She gave me a kiss in return and the little kitten weakly, but precisely licked the tip of my finger. 

"Look at how she likes you." Christine whispered. "Don't ever say you can't be loved. Because that is a lie."

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