Chapter 33- Let the Opera Begin

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(Christine's POV)

The night of Don Juan Triumphant was finally here and I couldn't wait for when my time to get onto the stage came. I was supposed to play along with Piangi, who was playing Don Juan. I then remembered what Erik said to me the previous night: "Don't worry, my Christine. Everything will be just fine." He said, a devilish smirk on his half perfectly handsome face.

I still didn't know what he meant by that, but he was up to something.
The chorus came onto the stage and danced on the wooden floor painted in the colors of red and orange, creating flame-like designs and spread drapes onto the table in the middle of the scenery. I was standing off to the side in my costume. It was a beautiful dress of peach color adorned with complex black embroidery, a hand-embroidered stomacher with red flowers, an apron with luscious golden lace and a black shawl with colorful flowers and black beads. The skirt ended above my ankles, showing off my dark brown boots.

My time came and I went on the stage, carrying a basket of red roses and fruit.
"No thoughts within her head, but thoughts of joy.
No dreams within her heart, but dreams of love." I sang coming in front of the audience and I sat onto the bench that was on the stage, picking out a red apple, pretending to polish it on my skirt.

I heard a heavenly voice half-sing, half-whisper.
"Go away for the trap is set and waits for it's prey..."

All the words said over the course of the last day or so suddenly all made sense to me.
And I knew that the man who played Down Juan wasn't Piangi, but Erik.

How he got to the stage is beyond me, but he always surprised me at the most unexpected moments.

He slowly approched me from behind, singing the song.
"You have come here
In persuit of your deepest urge.
In persuit of that wish, which til now has been silent."

I turned around to see his golden eyes staring at me from behind a black mask. He was signalling for me to be quiet and I obeyed.

I played my role and so did he. He walked slowly and gracefully towards me like a cat sneaking up on a bird.
"Past the point of no return
No backward glances.
Our games of make-believe are at an end."

I have to say Erik definitely excelled at pretending too. Although he seemed to be quite not himself around the last visitor to his home, who was Nadir, he now seemed so confident and the whole theater was watching him.

How many times are you going to surprise me, Angel?
I thought to myself.

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