Chapter 32- Snow Angels

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(Christine's POV)

I returned from the practice. I was really tired and I wanted to slap Meg in the face a bit. Because of her, I earned the nickname 'Ghost Bride'.

I came to the lair and I heard Erik composing something. I quietly passed through my entrance and found him at the organ. He already had a pile of sheet music next to him and he had a new sheet layed out in front of him.

I quietly tiptoed behind him and covered his eyes with my hands. I could sense he was a little surprised by my touch.

"Why do you scare me like this, angel?" He whispered, but smiled.

"What are you working on, Erik?" I asked as I took a glimpse at the music sheets.

"It's a surprise." He said and winked at me with his amazing honey eyes, covering the papers with a new sheet.

"Oh, come on! You know I like to look at your music when it is being created..." I begged him and did the puppy eyes at him.

"Okay then." He said, handing me a few sheets. "It's called Don Juan Triumphant and I would really like if they played it here before we get married."

My eyes scanned the notes and I hummed along the music.
"Erik, this is amazing." I mumbled as I read through the sheets.

"I'm glad you like it angel" He whispered into my ear.

Aeisha suddenly jumped up onto the keyboard, pressing a few of the ivory keys.

"Aeisha! No going around the keyboard!" Erik scolded the cat a bit. Aeisha jumped back onto the floor and gave Erik an apologetic look.

"Oh, don't worry sweetie." I softly talked to the kitten as I picked her up. "We both love you!" I scratched her behind her ears and she let out a happy purr.

"Oh, and you know what, my love?" I asked Erik, a Meg-like grin on my face. "It snowed last night, so we could go out."

I saw that the mention of going out scared Erik a little bit. "Oh, come on! We could build a snowman, have a snowball fight, make angels in the snow...and don't worry, my nose won't fall off from the cold."

"Okay, I believe you." He said with an unsure smile. I put on my cloak and we went up into the snow covered country.

I was excited to see the snow. I loved winter and I really missed playing in the white blankets.

When we arrived outside, I immediately threw myself into the nearest bump of snow and started making an angel into it. Erik looked at all of this as if I just escaped the insane asylum, but I could understand. He never got to play in the snow as a kid, so it was the highest time to show him how it's done.

With one clever move of my leg, I helped him into the snow and he gave me the most confused look he could muster. "What was that for?" He asked, even more confusion in his voice.

"Now, that you are finally down on the ground, I'll show you how to make a snow angel." I giggled. "Just move your arms up and down, and that is all."

After a few awkward moves in the snow, Erik stood up to look at the outcome of the silly game.

"Now, I'll teach you how to build a snowman." I said and showed him how to roll a ball out of the snow and how to put it togheder.
"I can do better." He said, looking at the outcome of my work, trying to bring up a challenge.

"You think so?" I asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Surely." Erik replied to my question with a big smirk. "Just stand still."

Erik immediately got working on the snow sculpture, but told me to close my eyes, so I couldn't see what he was doing.

"Okay, angel. You can open your eyes now!" I slowly opened my eyes and in front of me stood a big snow sculpture of me. I could just stare in awe at what Erik could do.

"Do you like it, Angel?" Erik asked.

"Yes, I do. Although it looks far more pretty than me. Wouldn't you want to have the snow sculpture for your bride instead of me?" I teased him.

"Oh, Christine, I wouldn't trade you for anything." After he said that, I sneezed. "Let us go back inside. You must stay healthy, my dear Christine."

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