Chapter 10- Gone

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I waited for Christine's gentle knock onto the bars behind my curtain that night. But she never appeared. I thought it was just because her father was too ill to be left alone, so I waited until the next night. My ears struggled in the quiet night awaiting to hear her gentle footsteps, her knock, her lovely soaring voice. She was my angel, and I couldn't live without her.

As the days went on, something changed within my core. When Christine was around, coming to visit me each night, I could feel the pain from the beatings but it was eased by the fact that I felt my angel's presence. She would bring me a warm blanket and a cup of tea that she has made out of pure love. Every night without her caused me even more pain. Not even my body hurt during the day, but my heart hurt during the night.

I peeked through the curtains each night to see if the short figure of my Angel, Christine, was there. One night my whole world completely turned around. The gypsies were putting something into a carriage. From their conversation, I heard that those were the corpses of the people who have died the past month. Probably of freezing, because the winter was cold. My heart broke when I saw the gypsies throw a small girl with curly brown hair's body into the carriage. I couldn't believe what I saw. My heartbeat stopped and I was fighting back my tears.

No, it couldn't be. But yet, I saw it with my own eyes. It was Christine's body, my sweet angel's body! Silent, laying in the carriage, waiting to be dug into the ground. How could have this happened?! I could have given my life for this innocent little girl who didn't fear me, who thought I was an angel myself. But she was gone...dead...laying on the cold ground.

"WHY?!" I cried out loud. I felt like my heart shattered into millions of pieces. From that moment on, I didn't feel any emotions. Any pain, any joy. My reason for living was long gone, her wings burnt and her body dug deep into the ground of the nearby cemetery.

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