Chapter 23- The sweet kiss

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(Erik's POV)

I leaned in closer and closer to her. She did the same, staring with her warm chocolate eyes straight into my soul and maybe even further. I couldn't hold in the truth about how I felt for her anymore. In less then a whisper, I said: "Christine, I love you." 

This weak whisper of mine was silenced when her soft pink lips pressed onto mine as if my precious little Christine was saying the same thing to me. I first tensed up, I have never felt such pleasant sensation in my life. I then slowly closed my eyes, escaping into the most heavenly place with the one I love the most. She brushed one of her hands against my deformed cheek, her other hand was resting over my shoulder and rubbing my scarred back, comforting me in the gentlest way ever. I broke the kiss, although I wanted it never to end. I looked at my angel as she fluttered her eyes open and she silently whispered with a smile: "I love you too." 

Tear after tear escaped from my eyes. I was never given such kindness, not even a single bit of empathy, but Christine, this perfect Angel gave me everything she could. To a monster like me. 

"No, you can't." I turned away from her, hiding my tears. Her soft hand with a surprisingly firm grip grabbed my shoulder and she forced me to look back at her. 

"Erik, when I say I love you, I truly mean it. You are the most perfect man in the world. You are caring, gentle and you are an absolute genius. I know I will never deserve you and all that you do for me." 

"But, Chri-" my words were silenced by her finger, which she placed on my lips. 

" I know that you want to tell me the same, but don't waste words. I know what you want to say to me, because I can read in your mind like in a map. That is because I love you with all my heart." She said before I silenced her with an another kiss and her pleasantly surprised eyes reflected all of that love I will never deserve.

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