Chapter 13- The Appearance of the Angel

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I nervously paced around the candle holder in my lair. How shall I appear to Christine? I can't just come up to her and say: "Christine! Do you remember me? I'm that freak from about ten years ago!" No, that would be so dumb of me to do.

After a few more minutes of slow circling around the candle holder, I gave up. Maybe I had to be with her to come up with some better ideas.

That was it! I immediately rushed through the tunnels in the walls of the opera to find Christine. After a while of looking around the halls and backstage, I found her in the chapel. She was alone and tears ran down her perfect cheeks.

"You said that you would send me the Angel of Music..." she whispered. "I believed those words for all of these years. I am still waiting for him each day, but as the days go, I lose hope and...and," she broke down. "I am starting to believe that there is no angel. That this was all just a fairytale and now I woke up to the cruel reality which is this world." She was crying her heart out.

I waned to cry with her. I wanted to come out of my hiding place and hug her to assure her that there was still hope for her. I wished to help her. Suddenly, out of nowhere I started singing. "I am your Angel of Music..." I saw her eyes light up with every note I sang.

"Angel...Is that you?" she said through tears.

"Yes, my dear Christine." I didn't know why I was doing all of this, but I couldn't stop.

"Oh Angel, how long I have waited for your arrival! Why haven't you come earlier?"

"Every angel has his time to appear, and mine came right now. Now, Christine, I will give you singing lessons in this chapel from this day on." I said to her, seeing as she started smiling at my words.

"Angel, may I see your face?" This question caught me completely off guard.

"No, not now." I said a bit harshly, but Christine didn't appear sad.

"Angel, when shall I come here?"

"At midnight."

She nodded in agreement and we parted ways from the chapel. I returned to my lair and she went to the ballet dormatories.

I needed to find some way to announce my presence to the manager. And what else is a better way to make an announcement, than to write a letter? I snatched a paper from the holder which I used to hold together all of the clear paper sheets. I thought about what I shall write to the manager, and after a while, I came up with the best letter that I could have come up with.

"Dear Manager, I am glad that I can now announce that I reside in your opera house. I will send you further instructions in an another letter. I remain your obedient servant, the Opera Ghost."

I grinned. This letter was perfect. I put it into an envelope and sealed it with a red skull stamp. I slid it into my pocket and soon, it would in a while appear on the manager's desk.

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