Chapter 19- Feelings

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(Christine's POV)
I was talking with Raoul, we were enjoying our cookies, when suddenly he invited me for supper.

"Raoul, I shouldn't go with you. The Angel of Music is very strict." I opposed, lying a tad bit about my companion. Also, I was completely stuffed with cookies, so I had no idea how I would eat that supper.

"Christine, it's just an invitation for a dinner with a friend. That isn't a reason for the world to end!" Raoul opposed me.


"You must change, I must get my hat. Ten minutes, my Christine." He said and closed the door behind him. I quickly changed into a simple white dress with a long flowy skirt and I put on my robe, in which I went to sleep. If he thinks he is getting me out for a dinner, then he is mistaking himself, for I am staying here. The candles suddenly all went out and I could feel the presence of my angel around me. But I could feel that he felt sad. We could always feel each other's emotions, from what I heard from him and my own experience.

"Angel, I know you're here. Speak, I will gladly listen to every word you say." I whispered into the suddenly cold air.

"Christine..." his perfect voice quietly cried. "Go, I don't have anything I can teach you anymore."

 "Angel, it's not what you think! Me and Raoul are just friends, nothing more! You are more precious to me then him. You always were." I said, trying to calm down his shaky voice. "You were taking care of me for all these years. You were always protecting me and giving me courage when I needed it. Please show yourself to me." I told him quietly.

(Erik's POV)
I couldn't believe what Christine just said. Even after someone like the vicomte himself invited her for supper, she still wanted to stay with me. I felt so heartbroken when I watched the scene from a few minutes unwinding before me. 

The vicomte sat with Christine on the sofa and they were laughing and speaking with each other, like if they knew each other for a long time . Then, he invited her for dinner. I felt heartbroken and betrayed at the same time, because for Christine, I felt something strangely unknown to me, something that would make my heart beat faster when I saw her, something that would make me follow her to the end of the world. 

But now, even after the invitation from such a rich and handsome man as this Raoul, she wanted to stay with me, a man which she has never seen, but only heard from the walls of the opera house. This wasn't time for me to shed tears of any sorts. I promised to show myself to her one evening, and that evening came now. "Look into the mirror, Christine, I am there inside." I softly instructed slowly walking towards the mirror.

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