Chapter 5- Two Companions and Cookies

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It has been three months since Papa was employed as a violinist at the Gypsy fair.

I would sit by the fire with the other kids and we would tell each other haunting stories. They would tell stories of vampires, ghosts and devils. I would always tell them one of the many Scandinavian stories I heard from Papa. Then we would play in the darkness before our parents would send us to our painted wooden beds. Papa always came last, when the fire was about to burn out. He would take me into his arms and carry me to our caravan. I would fall asleep halfway there, hugging his shoulders.

During the day I was pretty lonely. The first month I would venture around the fair and explore, but when I knew about everything, I was lonely. There was only one caravan that I didn't peek into. The caravan in which was supposed to be "The Devil's child". It was probably an another poor freak. Although, I have not seen who was inside, I felt sorry for the poor person. I knew how cruel the gypsies could be to these people who were only different.

One day I was sitting on the doorstep of our caravan when I saw a familiar figure. It was Raoul. When he saw me he ran straight toward me. I was so happy to see him! He was my only friend and I was excited to finally meet him again.

"Raoul!" I screamed as I ran to him. We hugged and I showed him around our new home. As I tried to get the jar of cookies from a shelf Papa came and noticed my guest straight away.

"Let's see who is here!" Papa laughed and came to greet Raoul. "And what are you doing on that countertop, Christine?" He asked, switching his attention to me trying to get the cookie jar. "Noble ladies don't do such things." He said while quickly removing me from the countertop and getting the jar in his other hand. "What would you think of a beautiful lady doing the same thing as you did before?" He asked, sitting me into my white chair with roses painted on it.

"I would think she's hungry." I gave the simplest answer. Papa burst into laughter so hard that he almost dropped my precious jar. Raoul was standing right below the jar in case it fell, so he would catch it. As he realized that papa won't drop it, he started jumping slightly; trying to snatch the jar.

"And I see that the little Vicomte has the same appetite as our Christine." Papa said and took Raoul and sat him onto one of the spare five chairs around the table.

"Daddy, could you please give us some cookies?"

"I wouldn't even give you any, but because of your adorable pleasing, I'll give you two each." We thanked him at the same time and we bit into our cookies.

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