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(Christine's POV)

"Mommy! Daddy! Wake up!"
Were the first words I heard today.

I slowly opened my eyes to see our little kids trying to get the covers off of us.
"Oh, come on, Melly. Dad still needs some more beauty sleep." Talked Erik to our older child, Melody.

"You don't need beauty sleep, papa! You are already beautiful enough! Wake up!" Melly started to tug at the blankets even harder.

Our younger, Gustave, was tugging on my blanket and making puppy eyes at us.

"Christine, why did our kids get their puppy eyes skills from you?" Erik said in an annoyed tone, but a wide smile was on his face.

We got up and got ready for the day.
I went onto the lower floor and started making breakfast for our family.

We moved into a big two-floored house near Paris after our marriage. A year after that, our Melody was born and two years later came Gustave.

We are now a big family of five if I include Aeysha. I have never dreamed of something like this.

I served the breakfast with Erik's help and we got eating.
Melly was a lot more like Erik than me, with long midnight black curls, light brown eyes, pale skin and a slender figure.

Gustave was a lot more like me, with brown hair and eyes and dimples on his cheeks.

"Daddy, could you teach me more on the violin in the afternoon? Pretty please?"
Gustave adorably begged. He loved to play the violin and he had his dad's talent when it came to playing.

"Okay. I'll teach you this afternoon." Said Erik happily, because he loved teaching.

"I have rehearsals in the afternoon, so I'll take you with me, Melly."
I told my eight year old daughter and her eyes immediately lit up. I was still working in the opera as the lead soprano, with Erik mostly composing from home and occasionally going to the opera to play a role if the main male lead drops out. I helped Erik make a special mask for those plays, so that he would look as if he had a normal face. Even though I loved him along with his deformity, I knew the world was slow and hard to accept.

After Erik sneaked into Don Juan Triumphant's premiere, the managers formed a contract with him. Erik was the principal actor for Don Juan during the run of the show. He was introduced into the public under his real name and people loved seeing him on stage. Every time the two of us played, we had a full house.

After the run of the opera, we got married in a private ceremony for only our closest friends like Madame Giry, Raoul, Meg and Nadir.

Speaking of Raoul and Meg, they got married during the run of Don Juan Triumphant. They have three children- two girls and a boy. Meg decided to furthermore work in the ballet corps as the primaballerina while also being the Vicomtesse. We sometimes meet for tea and it is always such fun.

After breakfast, I helped Melody to dress and I, myself, wore one of my more casual dresses, with this one being made out of blue fabric with delicate silver printed flowers and embroidered blue and white flowers on the bodice. I tied a blue cloak over it and wrapped my red scarf around my neck. Melly had a similar scarf on her too.

As we went out, Erik waited at the door. He gave us both a goodbye kiss and wished us a safe road to the opera house. And with that, we went on our everyday journey.

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