Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 (not edited, sorry if it sucks)

*Harry's P.O.V*

I'll admit, it was sort of like a stab to my heart when I heard Jane say I didn't care about her safety. Shortly after she said it I saw her face morph into regret, but what was said was said.

I don't know why I let her get to me so much.. Oh yeah, because I care for her, you idiot.

I had just pulled into the school parking lot when she started fidgeting in the passenger seat like she was nervous. Whoa, Jane.. Nervous? No way.

She's about as cocky as me. Her attitude is like igniting a firecracker and watching it explode, if that makes sense. Let's just say she was a feisty one. Maybe that's why she draws me in. The more she tries to push me away, the more I want to pry her walls down. I just want her to feel comfortable around me and not hate my guts so much. She never really gave me much of chance, just shot me down without knowing me completely.

"Harry.. I'm really sorry.. about what I said earlier." She kept her focus on her hands in her lap, not being able to notice the small smile that was tugging at my lips.

She apologized.

It may not mean that much to her, but that shows one thing at least;

She cares. Maybe not as much as I do.. Okay, definitely not as much as I do, but she still cares about my feelings if she thought I was upset by what she said and felt the need to apologize.

"It's fine Jane." I tried playing it cool, stepping out of my car and shutting the door. Now see if she was a normal girl I'd open the car door for her like the gentleman I am, but since she's not, she'd probably yell at me or say something snotty for doing something nice for her.

We walked into school together, side by side, getting a few looks from people. Surprisingly she hasn't told me to get away from her yet.

She walked in front of me by a few steps, probably to let people know that we weren't what they were thinking, but I couldn't help but notice every little thing about her from behind. Not in the perve way! But the way her hair was braided to the side over her shoulder, and the way her clothes fit perfectly on her petite body and small frame. The small beauty mark placed right below her shoulder, and not to mention her nice bum in those skinny jeans she was rocking. Why haven't I noticed all these little things before? She's gorgeous. I mean I've known that she has killer legs and a hot body since day one.. But if you take the time to examine her, in a non creepy way, then everything about her becomes beautiful instead of 'hot' or 'sexy.'

As I was off in my daze staring at her, I noticed she had stopped walking, causing me to slam against her.

"Ow, what was that for?" I asked, rubbing my chest.

"I asked you a question and you never answered. So I figured you weren't paying attention, and what do ya know? You're not paying attention." She rolled her eyes and continued walking.

I caught back up the few steps she had on me, "Well what was the question?"

She chuckled, but not the cute one, the slightly annoyed one. However, she stopped waking again, this time I stopped too without running into her. She stood up on her tippy toes and put her small hand on my shoulder, lowering it down to have access to my ear, "I asked if you would like to come over my house tonight and have some fun?" She whispered seductively, her lips almost pressing against my ear, extremely close.

I almost choked on air, my breath hitching in the back of my throat. She's kidding right? She has to be. I mean this is Jane we're talking about!

"Really?" I questioned, trying to find her bluff.

You're Not Safe {Harry Styles}Where stories live. Discover now